People have cameras: Hot flatiron salad spot Sweetgreen shut down by NYC

It’s not quite an entire rodent, but the Flatiron outpost of super hot salad spot Sweetgreen has been shuttered by the Department of Health for evidence of live mice, among other things.

021014sweetgreenTipster Ryan Eugene Kelley sent photos from the restaurant this afternoon, where attempts to eat lunchtime leaves were thwarted by a big DOH sticker proclaiming the joint had been closed. “People would come up and read the sign, which was printed pretty small, and then be grossed out,” according to Kelley.

There’s no information readily available on the DOH’s inspection site, which lists the eatery’s most recent inspection on January 20th, where it racked up 40 violations points. Citations included “evidence of mice or live mice present” and “filth flies” somewhere on the premises, either in the food service area or somewhere else. We’ve reached out to the DOH for a status on the restaurant’s inspection and we’ll update when we hear back.