Canberra uses cow shares to get their raw milk fix

A Canberra woman admits “it would be fair to say that pasteurised milk would be safer” but she still intends on using raw milk for her family.

sprout.santa.barf.xmasSaffron Zomer developed a taste for raw milk while living overseas.

She is now involved in a cow share scheme which presently enables her to consume the untreated milk.

Ms Zomer is among around 25 Canberra households who are part of the scheme run by Julia McKay a dairy farmer at Bungonia north of the nation’s capital.

Ms McKay delivers around ten litres of milk on a weekly basis to the various shareholders.

Ms Zomer gets the milk “primarily because its delicious” after living in Switzerland where she and her husband had access to raw milk.

“I did some research and I think the nutritional value is higher.” Ms Zomer said.

Ms Zomer has three children, one who is newly born and not feeding on the milk.

“My oldest isn’t much of a milk drinker, but the little one likes it and he is always excited when it is delivery day because the milk is really fresh and he doesn’t like to drink supermarket milk anymore.” she observed.

Family guy barfShe argues that there is a clear difference in the taste of raw milk when compared to supermarket milk.

Her husband uses some of the milk to make cheese.

Ms Zomer compares drinking of raw milk to eating other unprocessed food.

“I also let my kids eat seafood, sprouts and raw spinach and chicken.

I wouldn’t let my kids eat raw sprouts. Or raw milk.