UK pub owner fined £12,500 over food hygiene failings

The owner of a Saundersfoot pub has been fined a total of £12,500 by Haverfordwest Magistrates this week after admitting to five food hygiene offences.

Ian Griffiths of The Royal Oak Inn, Wogan Terrace, was also ordered to pay £2778.37 costs to Pembrokeshire County Council at the hearing on Monday.

The Council brought the case following breaches found at the pub during a routine the-royal-oakinspection in October, 2012, by officers from the Authority’s Public Protection Division.

As well as revealing the lack of an adequate food safety management system, officers found evidence of food not being protected against contamination; unclean structures and equipment; a lack of training of staff and various out-of-date foods and inadequately labelled foodstuffs such that effective stock rotation could not be safely carried out.

The business agreed to voluntarily close until immediate cleaning and disinfection and stock checks had been carried out.