Mr. Stirfry of Topeka corrects food safety problems

When I think stir-fry, I think Mr. Stirfry of Topeka (that’s in Kansas).

According to CJOnline, coming into compliance with Kansas food safety standards has been a tough and expensive road, but Mr. Strifry is back on track, said co-owner Min Lu.

At its latest food safety inspection — May 8 — the restaurant had no violations, chinesebuffetcritical or otherwise. Lu says the buffet is cleaner and more organized than ever.

“It was a difficult lesson,” he said. “We paid a fortune to learn.”

A tour through the large facility, 1700 S.W. Wanamaker, showed vegetables and meat separated in refrigerators, plastic wrap covering each tray, food stored on shelves rather than the floor. Everything is labeled now, Lu pointed out. The restaurant even invested in stickers of the days of the week, so employees know when to throw out food.

Equally important to food safety as correct storage and labeling is changing his employees’ mind-set — to get them to work every day as though the food safety inspector will arrive any minute.

“We prepare for him to come every day,” Lu said.