Worst restaurants in Queensland hidden from diners

The Australian resort of the Gold Coast is shielding the city’s four worst restaurants — refusing to release details of businesses prosecuted for dodgy food practices.

Environmental health officers acted against more than 1300 food safety breaches, ranging from simple maintenance issues to serious pest problems among the 3500-plus licensed food businesses across the city last year.
Among the most serious, the council took four businesses to court between bullshitJuly 2011 and June 2012, for reasons including bad cleaning and sanitising.
The council also issued 75 on-the-spot fines totalling $41,250 for major health breaches.

The most common problems were for food not being stored at the correct temperature and poor hygiene.

But a council spokesman said details surrounding the breaches and the businesses prosecuted could not be released to the public because they “could be seen as being discriminatory”.

This tack has been tried elsewhere and the answer is: bullshit.