Market it: Dubai guidelines will help ensure better food safety

Gulf News writes in an editorial that a preponderance in a section of society neccesitates a new approach to governance. This progressive attitude is reflected in the introduction of a new Food Safety Code by the Dubai Municipality in view of the increasing numbers of restaurants, food outlets, imports and exports of food items and food transport firms in the emirate.

Dubai offers a fantastic density of eating out options with new food outlets opening with a happy regularity to suit every kind of budget. powell_krishna_feb_12What converts this boom into an undisputed advantage for consumers are strict, and unambiguous, rules and regulations that ensure every one of the food outlets adheres to the standards laid down by the authorities. The new guidelines are a particularly laudatory move as they were drafted in view of the grey areas that existed in safety inspections and food handling previously.

From production, transport to preparation and consumption, the new Food Code demands the highest standards of hygiene and handling across the board. For a consumer, this is the best deal for a meal.