Good families fart; and good growers aren’t delusional

In 1991, popular children’s author Robert Munsch of Guelph, Ontario, wrote a book called Good Families Don’t.

It’s about farts.

And everyone farts.

Ten years earlier he wrote a book called, The Boy in the Drawer, which is basically a take on the favorite kids’ tale of, I didn’t do it, or, pay attention to the kids or things will get worse.

This could apply to cantaloupes, or any other food.

Following the revelations from the U.S. Food and Administration about lousy conditions at Chamberlain Farms, the source of a cantaloupe outbreak that has killed three and sickened 270, owner Tim Chamberlain said in a written statement issued via his attorney Oct. 4 that, despite three Salmonella positive tests on the farm that matched the outbreak strain, “there is nothing in the report to indicate the conditions are a source of or contributed to any reported illnesses.”

Any commodity is only as good as its worst grower; sorry cantaloupe folks that you have to go through this again.