Health inspector charged with bribery

The Toronto star writes:

A City of Toronto health inspector charged with trying to extort $1,400 from a married couple running a bar will testify it was the husband who suggested a bribe, his lawyer says.

"His evidence will be that it was (bar owner) Mr. Kang who proposed the whole scheme," defence lawyer Daniel Kirby told Justice Gary Trotter on Wednesday.

Hong Hai Kang, co-owner of the Weston Rd. bar, broached the topic of a payoff with health inspector Kerry Wong to stave off negative food safety reports in the hopes it would "assuage his wife’s concerns that he was letting his business go to pot," Kirby told the judge.

Wong, 44, has pleaded not guilty to two counts of extortion. He lost his job after he was charged. He is expected to testify Thursday.

Is it really worth it? Come on.