Curb Your Enthusiasm again features L.A.’s restaurant inspection grades

I never liked the television series, Seinfeld.

During it’s original run from 1989 — 1998, I rarely watched, and when I did, found the characters self-indulgent and whiny. Which they were. It just wasn’t that funny.

Curb Your Enthusiasm by Seinfeld co-creator Larry David is much better.

For the second week now of the new season, the Los Angeles restaurant inspection signs — in both cases A — are prominently displayed.

Tonight, as Larry is waiting to get ice cream behind a sample abuser — someone who asks to sample every flavor available — a big L.A. restaurant inspection A is displayed in the window (thanks, Reece, for finding this pic).

Larry won’t however take the $50 he is owed in a golf bet from the newly orphaned Marty Funkhouser after the death of his mother, preceded by the death of his father last year, because of its dodgy microbiological quality after being removed from the insole of Marty’s jogging shoe.

Larry also says that the customer is usually "a moron and an a**hole."

But they pay. And they like their restaurant inspection disclosure letters (L.A.), colors (Toronto), or smiley faces (Denmark).

Orlando, this is directed at you.