Michelle Mazur: Sex and food in the City

The James Beard Foundation Awards Ceremony and Gala Reception was held last month in New York City.

Sex & the City’s Kim Cattrall hosted, dubbed “the Oscars of the food world,” alongside co-host Bobby Flay.

Although I’m very confident that Bobby’s culinary skills are far more advanced than Kim’s, one can only imagine that every eye was on Kim as she did her best Samantha Jones act in a slinky gold dress.

Why Kim Cattrall?  Most likely because she’s dating Canadian chef Alan Wyse.  However, the press release announcing the host insists otherwise.

“A leading figure in the entertainment industry, Kim will shine a new light on the awards and further enhance the Foundation’s mission to elevate the nation’s consciousness of America’s culinary culture. …

“Beyond the stage and screen, Kim has a known interest in the culinary world which has been enhanced through her boyfriend Alan Wyse.”

Does she truly have an interest in the culinary world, or is she just interested in her boyfriend?

This year’s theme for the awards ceremony was "Artisanal America," emphasizing small farms and specialty food producers from across the country—“the chefs behind the great chefs,” as foundation president Susan Ungaro said.

"[Beard] believed you got the true flavor of a place by meeting the local farmers, cheese makers, bread bakers, and butchers. We believe our theme is just another way to celebrate his legacy and the very active and passionate artisanal movement being embraced by America’s greatest chefs."

A complete list of this year’s winners can be found in the James Beard Foundation Awards website.