Stars and mice alike into the Pinkberry ice

In June, WABC New York, reported that mice had invaded a trendy yogurt shop, Pinkberry, at 82nd Street and Second Avenue — and they had exclusive video of the mice running around on the shop floor.

At the time, one passerby told news reporters, "I was in the restaurant industry so there were mice everywhere so I’m kinda used to it." Yuck!

Today, the Nation’s Restaurant News reports on Dane Morrissey’s, area director for 4sunkids inc., Pinkberry’s New York franchisee, ‘no mouse in the house’ strategy to keeping the little critters out. Morrissey was quoted as saying, "You can be spotless, but if you don’t remove the access points, they can still come in. We opened every cabinet and pulled out everything from the wall. Every outlet was checked. Every pipe was sealed. Gaps around the doors were filled with weather stripping.”

Morrissey was also cited as saying, the mice incident did not bite into business at the super-busy chain.