This story is from Dec. 2017, but instructive.
Do not bring raw anything into a hospital full of immunocompromised people (those NZ mussels are cooked).
And I’m still looking at you, Brisbane Private Hospital, for continuing to serve raw sprouts on everything.
The Bailiwick Express reports that an outbreak of the winter vomiting bug (we call it Norovirus) which forced hospital bosses to ban visitors from wards was caused by someone bringing mussels in for a patient, it has emerged.
Over Christmas, Northumbria Healthcare NHS Trust will partially lift the restriction on visitors, introduced after norovirus spread across a number of sites.
Officials have traced its spread to a visitor bringing in mussels for an inpatient at Wansbeck General Hospital in Ashington, Northumberland.
It is thought to have affected at least 180 people.
Shellfish can harbour the norovirus infection.