Australia restaurant review: Going public isn’t always pretty

In more Australian weirdness, customer Branch Latroll claims he was served a cold pie and an expired iced coffee during his Sunday morning visit with his two young children to the Howard Springs Bakery in the Northern Territory.

He wrote on the bakery’s Facebook page, “Have been coming to this bakery for years. At least once a fortnight, for a Sunday morning pie and ice coffee with the fam.

“This all stops today untill [sic] I hear that the place has got its s**t together.”

The review went on to list exactly why he was disappointed by his pie and coffee.

“1. Pie wasn’t even warm,” the first point read.

“2. Tasted like it was microwaved than grilled. Had that weird raw pastry taste.

“3. My ice coffee is out of date. Today is the 3rd my ice coffee ran out on first.

“The nutella donuts scored them the second star.”

The customer commented on how cold the pie was, and that his flavoured milk was out of date.

But his review was met with hostility, when the local bakery responded and called him a “w**ker”, a “gutless troll” and a “little b**ch”.

“F***ing keyboard worrier,” the post from Howard Springs Bakery read.

“Does it make you feel like a man to post this bulls**t. Get a life you w**ker.

“Say you been going for years and have 1 bad pie and crack the sads like a little b**ch. If you weren’t satisfied, take it back for a refund or exchange instead of jumping on your phone last a right pr**k.

“Staff make mistakes, its life, it happens, get over it. Let me know where you work and I’ll have the staff member come and review you. Gutless Troll. Not nice is it.”

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About Douglas Powell

A former professor of food safety and the publisher of, Powell is passionate about food, has five daughters, and is an OK goaltender in pickup hockey. Download Doug’s CV here. Dr. Douglas Powell editor, retired professor, food safety 3/289 Annerley Rd Annerley, Queensland 4103 61478222221 I am based in Brisbane, Australia, 15 hours ahead of Eastern Standard Time