Dozens of Manhattan (the one in Kansas) high school students report nausea, vomiting

Last time I was at Manhattan High in beautiful downtown Manhattan, Kansas, I gave Bill Murray a don’t eat poop shirt.

bill.murray.dp_Before that, I was called in to help out with outbreaks that seemed to have more to do with lack of toilet paper and other hygienic basics, while school types told the kids it was their fault because they didn’t wash their hands. No tools, no job get done.

According to Samantha Foster of The Topeka Capital-Journal, state and Riley County health officials are investigating after dozens of Manhattan High School students were sent home from school this week with nausea and vomiting.

Jennifer Green, administrative director of the Riley County Health Department, said Friday that the high school informed the health department on Wednesday that more than a dozen students had been sent home with those symptoms since Monday.

At least 16 students were sent home between Monday and Thursday, and the school told the health department 19 students were either sent home Friday or had parents who reported to the school they were experiencing nausea and vomiting, Green said.