Nanny state or public health? Adelaide council to inspect homes of church cake

Churchgoers who bake cakes for charity are browned off by council plans to subject their home kitchens to a health inspection.

adelaide.cake.inspectionsAlthough the cake makers from the northern suburbs church have been raising money for charity for “donkey’s years’’, they were told last week their homes would have to be visited by a Playford Council health inspector.

The council said all 12 bakers — mostly women members of the One Tree Hill Uniting Church Fellowship — would have to pass an inspection of their home kitchen’s hygiene standards, including utensils, and adequate storage of the ingredients.

Fellowship secretary and baker Win Harrip said many of the women were upset at the thought of strangers running a rule over their kitchen and would hang up their charity-cake aprons.

“We make around 20 cakes for our stall at the monthly One Tree Hill Market to raise money for the church and charities like the Flying Doctors,’’ Mrs Harrip, an aged pensioner from Elizabeth, said.