96 sickened with stomach flu at San Jose school

Not sure of the basis for this policy, but a San Jose elementary school was keeping children indoors all day Friday to stop the spread of stomach flu.

norovirus-resized-600.jpgIn a matter of weeks, 90 students and six employees at Horace Mann Elementary School have caught the virus.

It began April 29, when a student started vomiting in a classroom. Since then, more and more students have gotten sick.

The health department has ordered a complete wipe down of the facilities to stop the outbreak.

“They closed off the drinking fountain, they’ve closed off the bathroom, they’ve cleaned everything… even the posts at the school,” said parent Bethany Lewis.

Despite the sunny forecast and warm temperatures Friday, the school was on a rainy day schedule where all the kids are indoors all day, including lunch and recess.

The district calls it “social distancing,” where they limit the contact between students to try and stop the spread of germs.

On Friday, they got another six cases reported, pushing the total to 96.