4,000 UAE firms fined for food safety violations

Over 4,000 food outlets in Sharjah were fined for violating health and hygiene regulations since the beginning of the year.

SharjahInspectors from the Sharjah Municipality visited 29,499 establishments including food outlets, food manufacturing companies, cafeterias and restaurants, and found that 4,213 eateries were violating health and hygiene regulations.

Some of the errant outlets were slapped with hefty fines of up to Dh10,000, while some others were shut down temporarily until they rectified the violation, said Shaikha Rasha Al Qasimi, Head of the health department and food control laboratory at the Sharjah Municipality. Some eateries were let off after being warned.

90 sick after swimming at Pennsylvania park

I don’t know what it is about Cowans Gap State Park’s beach and lake.

cowan_gap_state_park_lake(3)In 2011, at least 18 people were sickened with E. coli O157.

Now, the beach and lake is closed again as the Pennsylvania Department of Health continues to investigate what sickened people the weekend of July 18.

The latest information from the state said more than 90 people might have fallen ill after swimming in the lake in Fulton County. The estimate in an initial news release was “more than two dozen cases.

Department of Health spokeswoman Amy Worden said Monday she did not have an update on what caused the sickness. Epidemiologists and lab technicians are studying stool samples.

7-year-old sickened with E. coli

A Rochester, Minn. family is asking for support as their young daughter battles an E. coli infection and a potentially life-threatening complication.

charlotte-vossAccording to a Gofundme page, Charlotte Voss contracted the O157-H7 strain of E. coli while visiting her grandmother in Nebraska earlier this month. Charlotte was first treated at a clinic in Nebraska before being transferred to Mayo Clinic in Rochester. She was admitted to Mayo’s Eugenio Litta’s Children’s Hospital July 23.

Charlotte’s condition continued to worsen and she developed HUS, a very serious and potentially life-threatening complication known as Hemolytic uremic syndrome. According to Mayo Clinic, it affects only 5%-10% of those who are diagnosed with STEC infection. HUS is “a condition that results from the abnormal premature destruction of red blood cells. Once this process begins, the damaged red blood cells start to clog the filtering system in the kidneys, which may eventually cause the life-threatening kidney failure associated with hemolytic uremic syndrome.”

‘I recognize long-haired employee’ Winnipeg delivery of pig carcasses sparks provincial investigation

CBC News reports that Manitoba health authorities are investigating after photos of pig carcasses which appear to have been improperly handled during deliveries to two Winnipeg businesses surfaced on social media.

pigs-two“The first thing that popped out from the pictures in my mind was that the meat, the quarter and half sections of pork, had been thrown on the floor of the truck,” said Rick Holley, a University of Manitoba food safety expert. “You can see there are some non-meat items which are also on the floor of the truck.”

The photos were posted to a public Facebook page and obtained by CBC news. They show two trucks delivering half and quarter pork carcasses to businesses at 303 King Street in Chinatown.

The owner of a butcher shop in the building declined an interview, but told CBC News he recognized the long-haired employee in the photos and said he works for one of their suppliers, a Portage la Prairie abattoir.

Handwashing is never enough: Rise in infections tied to animal encounters in Kentucky

Northern Kentucky health officials are urging residents to wash their hands if they encounter animals at county fairs after seeing a surge in intestinal infections in the region.

goat.petting.zooThe Northern Kentucky Health Department has received reports of E. coli, campylobacteriosis and Salmonella in local residents in recent weeks.

Of the three illnesses, the Ccmpylobacteriosis infection, causing diarrhea, abdominal pain, nausea and fever, is the most prevalent. Thirty-five cases have been reported from January through the third week of July this year. That compares with 18 cases in the first seven months of 2014, health department records show.

Seven salmonella cases have been reported to the health department in both the first and second quarters of 2015, and fewer than five E. coli cases were reported in each quarter, according to health department records. The department is not seeing increases in the two illnesses but is advising hand-washing to prevent all three diseases, because it’s the best way to prevent getting sick.

Many of the recent cases in the region are still under investigation, said Kelly Giesbrecht, a regional epidemiologist for the health department. “However, animal exposure seems to be common” so far among those who’ve contracted the illnesses.

About half of those with the illnesses are children, she said.

Health officials have seen the diseases associated with several types of animals, Giesbrecht said. Among them: cows, calves, goats, reptiles, chickens, ducks and puppies.

“Areas around the animals can become contaminated as well, so it’s important to keep those as clean as possible, and wash hands if coming into contact with surfaces,” Giesbrecht said


Cyclospora: Mexican cilantro contamination spurs partial U.S. import ban

I try to grow my own cilantro, but the birds and cats and skinks find it yummy.

So there’s not much left.

cilantro.slugs.powell.10And this is why I’m not a farmer.

As the Cyclospora count in Texas reached 203, some Mexican cilantro is being banned in the U.S. after health officials found human feces and toilet paper in growing fields from which herbs have been linked to hundreds of intestinal illnesses among Americans dating back to 2012.d

The Food and Drug Administration will detain Mexican cilantro at the border from April to August and won’t allow products from the state of Puebla, Mexico, into the U.S. without inspections and certification, according to an import ban dated Monday by the agency. Cilantro from other parts of Mexico will need documentation to prove the product isn’t from Puebla, about a two-hour drive southeast of Mexico City.

The cilantro is linked to outbreaks of cyclosporiasis, according to the alert. Last year, at

Since 2013, the FDA and Mexican authorities have inspected 11 farms and packing houses that produce cilantro from Puebla. At eight, health officials found bathrooms without soap, toilet paper or running water, in addition to the human feces and toilet paper in growing fields. Some had a complete lack of toilet facilities.

“Based on those joint investigations, FDA considers that the most likely routes of contamination of fresh cilantro are contact with the parasite shed from the intestinal tract of humans affecting the growing fields, harvesting, processing or packing activities or contamination with the parasite through contaminated irrigation water, contaminated crop protectant sprays, or contaminated wash waters,” the alert said.

A 2013 cyclosporiasis outbreak in 25 states was linked to Puebla cilantro as well as salad mix from Taylor Farms de Mexico that was sold to Olive Garden and Red Lobster, both then owned by Darden Restaurants Inc. The FDA and Mexican officials found conditions at Taylor Farms de Mexico in Guanajuato met food safety protocols, the FDA said.

Careful with that menu it may have E. coli, but is maybe a risk?

The objectives of this study were to detect bacteria on restaurant menus, to determine the bacterial transfer from menus to consumers’ hands and to determine the survival of bacteria on menu surfaces.

everyday-objects-that-are-dirtier-than-your-toilet-7Local restaurant menus were sampled at different periods of operation. The average total plate count (TPC) was 28 (0–210) cfu/15 cm2 menu sampling area during “busy” periods and 15 (0–85) cfu/15 cm2 menu sampling area during “less busy” periods. The staphylococcal count averaged 6 (0–83) cfu/15 cm2 during busy periods and 2 (0–25) cfu/15 cm2 menu sampling area during less busy periods. Escherichia coli was transferred to menus at 11.17% of the hand population with a high variability between subjects (10.45% standard deviation). Survival of bacteria in menus was 1.40% after 24 h and 1.34% after 48 h, respectively.

Bacterial populations found on randomly sampled menus were low; however, bacteria survived and were transferred from menus to a consumer’s hands.

 Recovery, survival and transfer of bacteria on restaurant menus

Journal of Food Safety. 2015. doi: 10.1111/jfs.12212

Ibtehal Alsallaiy, Paul Dawson, Inyee Han and Rose Martinez-Dawson


Botulism in canned tomatoes in Russia

Botulinum toxin F was found in industrially canned tomatoes linked to a case of botulism. It was registered in the republic of Mariy El, the branch of Rospotrebnadzor reported (Federal agency for protection of consumer rights and human wellbeing).

PomidorkaThe man had eaten tomatoes “Pomidorka” produced by LLC “Agro-Invest” (Kabardino-Balkaria) series 055N 5 N from 17/09/14. The staff of the Rospotrebnadzor have withdrawn this product from the store “Pyaterochka.”

100 sick: Spaghetti linked to Salmonella poisoning in Czech Republic

At least 100 people in and around Plzeň came down with symptoms of salmonella poisoning after eating spaghetti carbonara made by a catering company called Zrtas, according to media reports.

FNM_120109-W-N-Dinners-036_s4x3.jpg.rend.sni12col.landscapeSome 50 people have been hospitalized and a similar number is being treated for food poisoning on an outpatient basis.

The spaghetti meals suspected of causing the illness were prepared Friday, July 24, and delivered in paper and foil cartons in and around the Plzeň area. Since the shelf life is listed as five days, more of the meals still may be available.

The company linked to the outbreak made 140 meals of spaghetti with Parmesan cheese, bacon and eggs and delivered them to multiple companies and institutions. The exact ingredient at the root of the outbreak has not been determined, but salmonella is often linked to eggs.