How investigators cracked the Blue Bell listeria outbreak case

Some good investigative work by CBS News figuring out how a beloved Texas icon could be crass when it came to public health.

blue.bell.jul.15There’s the usual stuff about how workers said the places were dumps, after the outbreak became public, but didn’t say much when they were working there.

Guess everyone needs a paycheck.

Three deaths caused by ice cream tainted by bacteria last spring were part of an outbreak that had been going on for years.

In April, Blue Bell Creameries recalled all of its products in 23 states. The ice cream was contaminated with listeria which can be fatal to people who are ill or have compromised immune systems.

In part two of the investigation, investigators show CBS News how the case of the mystery deaths was solved.

When Megan Davis and her team from the South Carolina Department of Health randomly sampled ten products from a local Blue Bell distribution center in January — the last thing they expected to find was listeria.

“It was unbelievable actually,” said Davis. “We never in a million years thought we’d find a positive sample.”

Two of the ten samples tested positive, but just to be sure, they went back and collected 30 more.

“All 30 of the samples that we tested, tested positive for listeria,” said Davis. “Yes, stunning. A little scary that those products were going to consumers.”

Davis uploaded their findings into Pulsenet, a database of DNA fingerprints the Center for Disease Control monitors to identity outbreaks nationwide.

“The listeria germs found in South Carolina in the ice cream matched illnesses in a hospital in Kansas,” said Dr. Robert Tauxe, deputy director of CDC’s Foodborne Disease Division.

That hospital was Via Christi St. Francis in Wichita. Listeria had sickened five of their patients over the past year, but the hospital couldn’t figure out where it was coming from. The listeria patterns found in South Carolina solved the mystery in Kansas.

Turns out, all five of the patients had been served milkshakes made with Blue Bell ice cream.

In mid-February, Blue Bell quietly pulled all the ice cream made on the machine that had produced the ice cream testing positive in South Carolina, citing a quality issue. But Via Christi still had plenty of other Blue Bell products in its freezers. The Kansas Department of Health tested 45 of them, and found another hit.


It’s the stick: Listeria grows on caramel apples at room temp

A 2014 multistate listeriosis outbreak was linked to consumption of caramel-coated apples, an unexpected and previously unreported vehicle for Listeria monocytogenes. This outbreak was unanticipated because both the pH of apples (<4.0) and the water activity of the caramel coating (<0.80) are too low to support Listeria growth.

caramel.appleIn this study, Granny Smith apples were inoculated with approximately 4 log10 CFU of L. monocytogenes (a cocktail of serotype 4b strains associated with the outbreak) on each apple’s skin, stem, and calyx. Half of the apples had sticks inserted into the core, while the remaining apples were left intact. Apples were dipped into hot caramel and stored at either 7°C or 25°C for up to 11 or 28 days, respectively. Data revealed that apples with inserted sticks supported significantly more L. monocytogenes growth than apples without sticks under both storage conditions.

Within 3 days at 25°C, L. monocytogenes populations increased >3 log10 in apples with sticks, whereas only a 1-log10 increase was observed even after 1 week for caramel-coated apples without sticks. When stored at 7°C, apples with sticks exhibited an approximately 1.5-log10 increase in L. monocytogenes levels at 28 days, whereas no growth was observed in apples without sticks. We infer that insertion of a stick into the apple accelerates the transfer of juice from the interior of the apple to its surface, creating a microenvironment at the apple-caramel interface where L. monocytogenes can rapidly grow to levels sufficient to cause disease when stored at room temperature.

No growth of L. monocytogenes occurred on refrigerated caramel apples without sticks, whereas slow growth was observed on refrigerated caramel apples with sticks. In contrast, significant pathogen growth was observed within 3 days at room temperature on caramel apples with sticks inserted. Food producers should consider interfaces between components within foods as potential niches for pathogen growth.

Growth of Listeria monocytogenes within a Caramel-Coated Apple Microenvironment

doi: 10.1128/mBio.01232-15; 13 October 2015; mBio; vol. 6; no. 5; e01232-15

Kathleen A. Glass, Max C. Golden, Brandon J. Wanless, Wendy Bedale, Charles Czuprynski

99p stores to face court over ‘mouse infestation and food unfit for human consumption’

Back in the day, we started a university newspaper called The Peak, and ran an advertising campaign called Pennies for the Peak, with number 99 Wayne Gretzky unofficially endorsing.

99pstoresNow I find out there’s a chain of stores in the UK called 99p and they apparently suck at food safety.

The discount retailer will appear in court accused of failing to prevent mouse infestations and selling food “unfit for human consumption” in two of its Croydon shops.

Mouse droppings, dirt and rubbish were allegedly discovered by hygiene inspectors at town-centre branches of 99p Stores in North End and Church Street.

Their owner, 99p Stores Limited, based in Northampton, has been charged with ten counts of failure to comply with food safety regulation.



Man’s five-star wedding anniversary celebrations in Jamaica ‘ruined’ by Salmonella

A man whose 30th wedding anniversary celebrations in Jamaica were ‘ruined’ when he collapsed in his hotel room after contracting salmonella is still showing symptoms six months later, according to his solicitors.

salm.jamacia.oct.15Ian Counsell, 51, from Haslingden, travelled to the five-star Riu Palace hotel in Montego Bay, Jamaica, with his wife Christine, as a celebration of their 30th wedding anniversary in March but became ill.

He and his wife have now instructed expert travel lawyers at Irwin Mitchell to investigate the cause of his illness and the hygiene standards at the hotel.

98 sick from Salmonella; source not IDed at UK pub

Experts from the North East Public Health England (PHE) Centre and Stockton Council environmental health team have concluded their investigation into an outbreak of salmonella at the Anson Farm pub in Thornaby earlier this year.

anson.farmA total of 98 cases of salmonella were reported in people who had eaten at the pub between April 26 and May 20.

Dr Peter Acheson, consultant in health protection at the PHE North East Centre, said: “The outbreak control team has concluded that the source of the infection in customers and staff could not be decided with certainty, though the most plausible conclusion is that the organism was introduced via a foodstuff and then spread by cross contamination in the premises.”

Stockton Council will continue to investigate and consider food safety enforcement issues at the premises.

Following the outbreak, The Anson Farm had its food hygiene rating slashed from five to two stars.

The Greene King pub chain, which owns the Anson Farm , on Teesside Industrial Estate, described the downgrading as a “huge disappointment.”

Probably not as disappointing for those who barfed.

Campy up, E. coli O157 down: Foodborne diseases active surveillance network (FoodNet)

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Foodborne Diseases Active Surveillance Network, or FoodNet, has been tracking trends for infections transmitted commonly through food since 1996. provides a foundation for food safety policy and prevention efforts. It estimates the number of foodborne illnesses, monitors trends in incidence of specific foodborne illnesses over time, attributes illnesses to specific foods and settings, and disseminates this information.

“FoodNet has matured and transformed over 20 years, and continues to evolve as technologies change,” says Dr. Olga Henao, FoodNet Team Lead.

The Foodborne Diseases Active Surveillance Network, or FoodNet, has been tracking trends in foodborne infections since 1996.

FoodNet provides a foundation for food safety policy and prevention efforts by estimating the number of foodborne illnesses, monitoring trends of specific foodborne illnesses, conducting studies to understand the causes of these illnesses, and informing the public about its findings.

FoodNet began to collect information on two pathogen cases identified by CIDT in 2009 and expanded the collection to other pathogens in 2011.

FoodNet has conducted surveillance for laboratory-confirmed cases of infection in humans  caused by Campylobacter, Listeria, Salmonella, Shiga toxin-producing E. coli (STEC) O157,  Shigella, Vibrio, and Yersinia since 1996, Cryptosporidium and Cyclospora since 1997, and STEC non-O157 since 2000. FoodNet staff in state health departments contact clinical laboratories in the surveillance area to get reports of infections diagnosed in residents.

Special Studies

Although foodborne outbreaks are common, most foodborne infections are sporadic, meaning they are not related to an outbreak. We can only rarely determine how one person got an infection but, by studying a large number of people with the same type of infection, we can often determine risk factors for getting ill.

Major Contributions

FoodNet is the only U.S. system focused on obtaining comprehensive information about sporadic infections caused by pathogens transmitted commonly through food. The network’s contributions to food safety policy and illness prevention include:

Establishing reliable, active population-based surveillance to understand who gets sick and why;

Developing and implementing studies that determine risk and protective factors for foodborne infections;

Conducting population surveys and laboratory surveys that describe the features of gastrointestinal illnesses, medical care-seeking behavior, foods eaten, and laboratory practices; and

Improving our ability at the federal and state level to track and study foodborne illnesses and respond to new issues as they arise. 

About FoodNet

Surveillance in an area that includes 15% of the U.S. population (approximately 48 million people)

Collaboration among CDC, 10 state health departments, the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Food Safety and Inspection Service, and the Food and Drug Administration. (Image: U.S. map showing FoodNet sites.)

Principal foodborne disease component of CDC’s Emerging Infections Program

Provides the data necessary for measuring the progress in foodborne disease prevention.

30 sick: Church says, don’t talk about Salmonella

At least 30 people, including some who were admitted to area hospitals, were reported sick due to a salmonella outbreak after a community meal Sunday at a Parker County church.  

Speak-No-EvilChurch leaders are now asking members to keep details about the luncheon, as well as updates on the conditions of affected persons to themselves.

Youth Pastor Spencer Row said, “ At this time, we as church staff, believe it is in the church’s best interest to allow our conference to handle this situation. We have taken the necessary steps to provide assistance internally. We ask that you refrain from posting or sharing any further information about this situation, for the protection of our members and our church as a whole.

“Please continue to pray for everyone, and make known how much love we have for one another! It’s in times like these that the true strength of the church is revealed.”

Food safety morons.

Arrest in NZ infant formula poison threat

A 60-year-old New Zealand businessman has been arrested over threats to contaminate infant formula with 1080 poison.

fonterrababyfeature-300x204The Auckland man has been charged with two counts of blackmail, NZ Police Commissioner Mike Bush told a media conference.

He will appear in Manukau District Court on Tuesday afternoon.

The arrest comes after police executed five search warrants in Auckland and the Rangitikei district on Tuesday morning.

Anonymous letters were sent to Fonterra and Federated Farmers in November last year along with small packages of milk powder laced with a concentrated form of 1080.

They contained threats to contaminate infant and other formula with the poison unless New Zealand stopped using 1080 for pest control by the end of March.

More than 50,000 tests failed to reveal any contamination.

Australian police discover pig eating cannabis plants during drugs raid

Police say they are on the lookout for any high flying pigs after they found a feral pig eating a cannabis plant near Toowoomba last week.

pig.stonedThey first attended a house at Meringandan West last Wednesday where they saw a man inside an enclosed pen, upon closer inspection they also found a large pig eating what they described as a “green leafy material”.

Police will allege that they conducted a search of the address and found a 1.6m high cannabis plant along with 140.7 grams of cannabis.

Canberra-based ‘scores on doors’ scheme scrapped

Canberra, the capital of Australia on a former sheep farm because Melboune and Sydney were playing poppy pants about who should host the capital, has decided that public disclosure of restaurant inspection information is too silly to pursue.

doug.amy.coffs.oct.15Toronto figured it out, so did LA and NYC, but not good enough for Canberra.

The territory’s Chief Health Officer, Paul Kelly, said there were a “range of reasons” behind the decision, but the government had decided there would be “better paths to follow to get the same outcome”.

“Just to be clear, the outcome is that we want the people of the ACT or people visiting the ACT to be confident when they go to a restaurant they’re eating safe food,” he said.

Dr Kelly said alternative measures, such as translating ACT Health materials into different languages, “seem to be bearing fruit.”

Bullshit. Kelly probably caved to restaurant interests, especially when he won’t explain what those alternative approaches are. Some of us publish in peer-reviewed journals, some pontificate and genuflect to their masters.

garlic_aioli(3)The Australian Hotels Association ACT welcomed the decision, saying that it was in part thanks to improving food safety in Canberra’s restaurants.

Canberra, you want to be known for having four Prime Ministers in five years, or you want to be leaders. Food safety is low-hanging fruit, get on with it (and my Brisbane Stars kicked your butt at the Coffs Harbour ice hockey tournament.

Grow a pair.