CDC researchers link cancer cells from parasite to human tumors

Scientists at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have discovered cancer cells originating in a common tapeworm may take root in people with weakened immune systems, causing cancer-like tumors. It is the first known case of a person becoming ill from cancer cells that arose in a parasite – in this case, Hymenolepis nana, the dwarf tapeworm.

dwarf.tapewormThe report, in the Nov. 5 issue of the New England Journal of Medicine, raises concern that other similar cases, if they occur, may be misdiagnosed as human cancer – especially in less developed countries where this tapeworm and immune-system-suppressing illnesses like HIV are widespread.

“We were amazed when we found this new type of disease – tapeworms growing inside a person essentially getting cancer that spreads to the person, causing tumors,” said Atis Muehlenbachs, M.D., Ph.D., staff pathologist in CDC’s Infectious Diseases Pathology Branch (IDPB) and lead author of the study. “We think this type of event is rare. However, this tapeworm is found worldwide and millions of people globally suffer from conditions like HIV that weaken their immune system. So there may be more cases that are unrecognized. It’s definitely an area that deserves more study.”

Puzzling case solved

In 2013, doctors in Colombia asked CDC to help diagnose bizarre biopsies from lung tumors and lymph nodes of a 41-year-old man who was HIV positive. The tumors looked similar to a human cancer, but initial CDC lab studies revealed the cancer-like cells were not human. That revelation kicked off a nearly three-year hunt for the cause of the man’s illness.

Researchers with IDPB, the CDC unit dedicated to investigating cases of unexplained illness and death, initially questioned whether it was an unusual cancer or an unknown infection. The growth pattern was decidedly cancer like, with too many cells crowded into small spaces and quickly multiplying. But the cells were tiny – about 10 times smaller than a normal human cancer cell. The researchers also noticed cells fusing together, which is rare for human cells.

  1. nanainfects up to 75 million people at any given time, making it the most common tapeworm infection in humans. People get the tapeworm by eating food contaminated with mouse droppings or insects or by ingesting feces from someone else who is infected. Children are most often affected. Most people show no symptoms. However, in people whose immune systems are weak, including people who have HIV or are taking steroids, the tapeworm thrives.

Some 3,000 kinds of tapeworms are known to infect animals. But H. nana is the only one that can complete its entire lifecycle from egg to adult tapeworm within an individual’s small intestine. This can lead to large numbers of H. nana in the intestine, especially in people with weakened immune systems whose bodies have a harder time fighting the parasite. Researchers theorize that the mechanism that allows parasites like H. nana to avoid human immune systems may also have allowed the tapeworm’s cells to proliferate unchecked in the Colombian man.

Ciders and juices can cause illnesses; here’s a big list

Every fall since 2010 there’s been at least one juice or cider related outbreak in North America. Some beverages were pasteurized, many weren’t. CiderPic1Right now there are two outbreaks linked to unpasteurized ciders in California and Illinois.

Here’s a list of all the ones we’ve been able to find (going back to 1924) – 84 outbreaks leading to over 3500 illnesses.

Click here to download the entire list.

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Man dies after ingesting toad venom aphrodisiac

The New York City Health Department released an alert on Wednesday about a dangerous toad venom aphrodisiac after a man died from ingesting the substance.

piedra-jamaicaThe aphrodisiac, commonly known as “stone,” is a chemical composition that is banned by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. It goes by many names, the Health Department said in a statement, including “Piedra China, Jamaican Stone, Love Stone, Black Stone or China Rock.” The agency says a 39-year-old man died last week after taking the composition. A local hospital alerted the New York City Poison Control Center of the death.

The stone substance is hard, dark brown, and sold as a solid chunk, the Health Department reports. “The product is sold in some adult stores and can also be found in other neighborhood stores. Its active ingredients include several chemicals known as bufadienolides,” according to an agency statement. “They are derived from toad venom and some trees and can disrupt the normal rhythm of the heart.” Stone can also cause vomiting and chest and abdominal pain.

The CDC has described bufadienolides as naturally occurring cardioactive steroids that have effects similar to digoxin, a medication used to treat heart failure.

Been there, done that: Canada creates science-minister post, and wear a damn poppy

I must be getting old that I can remember news from 25 years ago and today’s journalists can’t even be bothered to look at wiki.

winegard.2Canada’s new prime minister, Justin Trudeau, took office on 4 November — and as one of his first acts, created the post of Minister of Science.

Except it was done in 1990.

I was the first journalist to interview Bill Winegard when he was named Canada’s first Minister of Science in 1990. Guelph (that’s in Canada), where Winegard had served as university president, was still viewed as a cow-town by the uppities in Ottawa, and what was with all this science stuff?

Bill was always generous with his time, and quick with a barb. He’s still fighting the good fight at 91. As a public figure, we university journos had fun with Bill, but he took it all in stride, and I can’t think of a better representative for Guelph.

Below is from the Guelph Mercury last year, and apt as Remembrance Day approaches.

Bill Winegard is a Second World War veteran, a former federal government cabinet minister and a past president of the University of Guelph

Next May will be 100 years since a man from Guelph, John McCrae, wrote the most popular and the most renowned poem of the First World War. He was a doctor, a soldier and a true humanitarian. To understand the significance of the poem and our fight for freedom, let us take a trip.

Let us go to Flanders Fields.

Let us go to Wimereux Cemetery in France, a relatively small cemetery where as we walk amidst the headstones of the 200 young Canadians buried there we pause at the headstone of Lieutenant Colonel John McCrae.

Still in France, we move on to Beny sur Mer Canadian War Cemetery, where surrounded by pine and maple trees, 2,049 young Canadians are buried, most having lost their lives during the D-Day fighting and the Battle for Caen.

To Holland now, and to the largest Canadian War Cemetery in the Netherlands—Groesbeek, where there are 2,338 graves.        

If we travel to Denmark, to the War Cemetery in Esbjerg, among the 247 Commonwealth graves we will find a grave marked James Shield Norton, aged 20 years, from Caledonia, Ontario. He was my best friend.

In Italy, we will stop at the cemetery at Ortona, which contains the graves of hundreds of D-Day dodgers.

If we travel to Korea, we will find the graves of the 516 soldiers who lost their lives in that conflict.

winegard.nov.14Even before the First World War, Canada was part of the Boer War. We sent 8,000 troops, including my grandfather. Two hundred fifty Canadians died.

In the First World War, Canada, with a population of roughly eight million, had 640,000 people in uniform, including my grandfather and father. Seventy-two thousand were killed and 175,000 wounded—one of which was my father at age 16. Forty Canadians died each day. One in 10 Canadians did not come home, including 219 from Guelph.

In the Second World War, Canada’s population was 12 million, with one million in uniform, including me and my father and some present here today. Fifty thousand were killed and about 60,000 wounded. Many of my friends were among the 50,000 killed. Twenty Canadians were killed each day over a six-year period, 40 wounded and five taken prisoners of war. Guelph lost 171 soldiers.

In the Korean War, we had 34,000 troops there—more than most people think—with over 500 killed. One of those was from Guelph.

We can’t forget our peacekeepers – really, peacemakers. We have had 113 soldiers killed in the over 50 United Nations missions we have participated in from Zaire to Afghanistan.

Canada’s fighting participation in the conflict in Afghanistan ended this year. We should acknowledge and pay tribute to our exceptionally impressive troops, including the 11th Field Regiment. Canadians showed their respect by lining the bridges and roadways as the bodies were returned to Canada. One hundred fifty-eight hearses travelled down the Highway of Heroes.

There is another set of numbers that is even more shocking. Between the years 2004 and 2014, 160 military personnel have taken their own lives. That means the Canadian military has lost more soldiers to suicide than it did to combat in Afghanistan. These soldiers were very ill and needed help. They needed much more help than was available and they needed care of a special nature.

Instead of being sensitive to the issues, the Government of Canada seemed oblivious to the precarious mental state that many veterans were—and are—battling. For many, professional help was not available. For others, they had to cope with an insensitive government that even changed their point of contact by closing nine regional offices. These offices were familiar places to the veterans and, for the most part, they felt comfortable and safe. But, apparently to reduce costs, they were sent to unfamiliar places hours away, which caused further mental stress. This seems a relatively small matter to us but to the veteran it was one more issue where government seemed to back away from concerns raised in the new Veterans Charter.

The apparent callousness of the Department of Veterans Affairs was further made apparent when, in a class-action suit filed by disabled soldiers, Crown lawyers argued that today’s government shouldn’t be held to historical promises! What a cold-hearted thing to say! If veterans can’t count on government promises, it is a very sad day indeed.

When the Veterans Charter was introduced some years ago, it was welcomed as a way to support the veterans financially, with an understanding that it would be amended as needed. It hasn’t really worked out to the benefit of the veterans. THE GOVERNMENT SPENT BILLIONS PURSUING THE WAR, YET WON’T SPEND THE MILLIONS NESSECARY TO HELP OUR CURRENT VETERANS.

No one seems to have thought of using the spirit of “esprit de corps” to help. By that, I mean there are many veterans that are willing to help their comrades. While those suffering from post traumatic stress disorder need professional help, they could also use the listening ability of former comrades.

It would not be difficult to have former comrades standing by to listen and talk with former or current soldiers in difficulty. Esprit de corps is a very powerful force. Waiting for the veteran to come forward does not and will not work. We must find a way to go to them.

We are once again at war. How sad we are sending more of our men off to battle when we haven’t even resolved the issues left over from Afghanistan. We have to do a much better job taking care of our veterans.

In 1984 there were unresolved issues between the government and veterans. In caucus one day, Prime Minister Brian Mulroney said to the then minister of veterans affairs, the Honourable George Hees, “George, in any dispute between the veteran and the government, the veteran will always be given the benefit of the doubt.” Let us get serious about the health and welfare of the veterans who have served our country. We need a similar declaration from the current government!

Over the past 100 years or more, our veterans and comrades have gone to war. They paid a heavy price for our freedom. It was hard won. Many veterans returning home have counted on Canada doing the honourable thing by taking care of them and their families on their return. We say to the Minister of Veterans Affairs—Minister Fantino—FIX THIS PROBLEM!

We must never forget the sacrifices made. We Will Remember.


39 sick: Multistate outbreak of Shiga toxin-producing E. coli O26 infections linked to Chipotle Mexican Grill in Washington and Oregon

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has weighed in on the E. coli 026 outbreak linked to Chipotle restaurant.

chipotlaway1-300x168The Washington State Department of Health and the Oregon Health Authority are investigating an outbreak of Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli O26 (STEC O26) infections. CDC and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration are assisting with the investigation.

As of November 4, 2015, as reported by Washington and Oregon:

39 ill people have been reported from Washington (29) and Oregon (10).

14 total ill people in Washington (11) and Oregon (3) have been hospitalized.

There have been no reports of hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS) and no deaths.

Laboratory testing is ongoing to determine the DNA fingerprint of the STEC O26 bacteria making people sick. These DNA fingerprints are being uploaded to the CDC PulseNet database as they become available.

Five isolates from ill people in Washington (2) and Oregon (3) have been uploaded to the CDC PulseNet database. All five people were infected with STEC O26 that has the same DNA fingerprint.

CDC conducted a preliminary search of the PulseNet database and did not find any illnesses that appear to be related to the outbreak in Washington and Oregon. Laboratory testing is continuing.

Washington and Oregon report that most of the ill people ate at several locations of Chipotle Mexican Grill in those states before getting sick.

chipotlaway1-300x168The investigation is ongoing to determine if the ill people ate a common meal item or ingredient that was served at the Chipotle Mexican Grill locations.

Chipotle Mexican Grill voluntarily closed all of its restaurants in Washington and multiple locations in the Portland, Oregon area until more information is available.

At this time, CDC does not have any information to suggest that Chipotle Mexican Grill locations in other states are affected by this outbreak.

Washington and Oregon health officials are advising residents to see a health provider if they became ill recently after eating at a Chipotle Mexican Grill restaurant.

CDC and state and local public health partners are continuing laboratory surveillance through PulseNet to identify additional ill persons and to interview them. Updates will be provided when more information is available.

Over 50 teachers sickened: Iowa food poisoning caused by C. perfringens in meat

Food poisoning that made more than 50 teachers and staff members at Roosevelt High School sick, prompting classes and many activities to be canceled Oct. 22, was caused by a bacteria in meat purchased and served to staff, a report found.

hot.for.teacherThe Polk County Health Department released an investigation summary Wednesday that points to the bacteria Clostridium perfringens, which the CDC says causes more than 1 million cases of food poisoning a year.

The bacteria is among the most common causes of food poisoning. It’s often found in poultry, gravies and dried or pre-cooked foods.

Cooking kills the bacteria, but does not necessarily kill its spores. If not properly refrigerated, meat that contained the bacteria can grow and produce new cells, the report says. It can grow quickly at room temperature but not at colder temperatures in a refrigerator or freezer.

The report did not include information about the origins of the food that contained the bacteria, and department spokeswoman Nola Aigner cited state law in not disclosing the kind of meat or where it was purchased from.

“I can’t reveal that due to our public health confidentiality laws, I can’t discuss the specific details of the case,” she said.

That sucks. How are others supposed to learn?

7 sick: E. coli O111 in apple cider linked to illness in Calif.

I don’t like being the Debbie Downer of food safety, but I also don’t like little kids getting sick when it’s preventable.

powell_kids_ge_sweet_corn_cider_00That’s why me and Chapman always escort our kids on visits to the farm (microbiologically dodgy areas).

California health types have confirmed that apple juice from High Hill Ranch at Apple Hill tested positive for E. coli O111.

Greg Stanton, of the health department, told KCRA 3 the first test result came back and was positive.

The juice from High Hill Ranch was dated Oct. 11, Staton said.

He added that results from two other samples are still pending.

There is a document circulating on social media that appears to show negative lab results for the juice. However, those are not the same results released by the El Dorado County Environmental Health.

KCRA 3 has reached out to High Hill Ranch owner Jerry Visman for an explanation of what the test involved.

The results come less than two weeks after High Hill Ranch announced it was voluntarily recalling its unpasteurized apple juice because of seven cases of E. coli illness among Sacramento County residents.

Health officials said the people consumed the unpasteurized apple juice in mid-October. The juice was consumed at home or at High Hill Ranch. One person was hospitalized and was expected to recover

Show me the data: Chipotle outbreak is caused by in restaurant vegetable processing?

I don’t know about that.

But that’s amateur epidemiologist (and president of Taylor Farms Florida) Leonard Batti’s working theory on the 39 cases of E. coli O26 outbreak linked to Chipotle (via The Packer).

Leonard Batti, president of Orlando-based Taylor Farms Florida, a division of the Salinas, Calif.-based Taylor Fresh Foods Inc., said changes in the foodservice industry likely contributed to the Chipotle outbreak.iWKad22

“It’s a classic example of what’s happening in foodservice today,” he said. “They made a decision a little less than a year ago to move away from fresh-cut and start cutting products in their facilities, somewhere around 1,700 restaurants.

“So basically, almost overnight, we had 1,700 new vegetable processors pop-up around the country. We’ve all been in fast-food restaurants. You never question their focus on food safety. I am not really surprised that we have what’s transpired with Chipotle.”

Uh, what? It sure seems like a supplier issue, not an on-site processing issue. But I’d like to see the data first.

Pumpkin carving gathering linked to noro outbreak

As my kids get older I start to relive my youth. Last week’s Halloweeen festivities reminded me of costume parades, classroom pumpkin carving competitions and seed roasting.

All shared activities, which turnout to be pretty good norovirus sharing grounds.F2XEZKMG1BB7VQI.MEDIUM

According to the Register Guard, over 100 students and teachers at a Eugene, Oregon school were out with norovirus symptoms following pumpkin carving festivities.

One of two pumpkin-carving events held prior to Halloween may have been the cause of a suspected norovirus outbreak at O’Hara Catholic School, Lane County officials say.

The school welcomed students and staff back to class Tuesday following an extended five-day weekend after the outbreak caused at least 100 people to fall ill. School Principal Tammy Conway said about 40 percent of students were absent on Tuesday.

The long weekend came after 16 staff and faculty members of the school on West 18th Avenue called in sick last Thursday, prompting administrators to cancel classes and close the school for the remainder of the week.

Jason Davis, spokesman for Lane County Health and Human Services, said on Tuesday that after ruling out several other potential causes, a pumpkin-related incident could be the culprit.

Davis stressed that a confirmed culprit for the virus has not yet been identified, though a number of different leads have been ruled out, including a staff-wide breakfast.

“A lot of parents just decided to keep their kids home as a precaution, which isn’t really necessary at this point,” he said.

Norovirus is extremely contagious and usually transmitted when someone accidentally gets traces of stool or vomit from an infected person in their mouth, according to Davis. He said the virus is transported primarily by fecal matter, either in food or on hard surfaces, and is not transmitted through the air.

Not quite There’s some nice science out of the NoroCORE project that shows aerosolization is possible.