Microbiological concerns? Mexico drug cartel forces members to eat human hearts to test loyalty

A vicious Mexican drug gang forced some members to eat the hearts of murder victims as part of a gruesome initiation rite to root out infiltrators, a government security official said on Tuesday, citing witness testimony.

eat_heartFor much of the past year, Michoacan, a mountainous, agricultural state in western Mexico, has been ravaged by fighting between drug gang henchmen and vigilantes who took up arms against the cartels but have since splintered into violent factions.

A mid-December shootout between two rival groups that killed 11 people has reignited fears the government is failing to control the state after flooding it with federal troops and pressing vigilantes into a fledgling rural police force. Interviewed on local television, Alfredo Castillo, Michoacan’s federal security commissioner, denied cannibalism was widespread, but said there were various testimonies indicating heart-eating was part of a macabre initiation Moreno used to root out moles or test his men’s loyalty.

Over 30 sick ill after eating Three Kings bread from cockroach-infested Calif. bakery

More than 30 people are sick after eating Rosca de Reyes bread, also known as Three Kings bread, distributed by Cholula’s Bakery in Santa Ana, the Orange County Health Agency said in a statement. 

3kingsThe agency closed the bakery after an investigation revealed traces of cockroach infestation

The cake, which is typically eaten on Jan. 6 to celebrate Three Kings Day, was distributed to stores around Orange County. It is unclear whether the infestation directly caused the illnesses. 

Those who reported illnesses experienced multiple symptoms, including dizziness, numbness, stomach aches and palpitations. 

Stores who have the Three Kings bread from Cholula’s are being asked to remove it from their shelves, and those who purchased the bread are being advised to discard it. 

Maybe it should be for Americans in America? Food safety top concern for American businesspeople in Taiwan

Food safety is the biggest anxiety for U.S. businesspeople living in Taiwan, according to an annual survey released Thursday by the American Chamber of Commerce (AmCham) in Taipei.

Taiwan_street_food_t658Among the least favorite aspects of living in Taiwan, the poll listed food safety as the major concern, followed by lack of an English-friendly environment. AmCham Chairman Thomas Fann noted that despite the food safety concerns, the business leaders at AmCham companies praised the high quality of life in Taiwan, describing Taiwan as “a safe and friendly environment in which to live and work.”

6 dead, 28 sick in outbreak of listeriosis linked to commercially produced, prepackaged caramel apples

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports:

  • CDC is collaborating with public health officials in several states and with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to investigate an outbreak of Listeria monocytogenes infections (listeriosis) linked to commercially produced, prepackaged caramel apples. Listeria can cause a serious, life-threatening illness.
  • caramel.appleOn January 6, 2015, Bidart Bros. of Bakersfield, California voluntarily recalled Granny Smith and Gala apples because environmental testing revealed contamination with Listeria monocytogenes at the firm’s apple-packing facility.
  • Consumers should not eat any recalled Granny Smith and Gala apples produced by Bidart Bros., and retailers should not sell or serve them.
  • Consumers who are buying or have recently bought Granny Smith or Gala apples can ask their retailers if the apples came from Bidart Bros.
  • The information CDC has at this time indicates that commercially produced, prepackaged caramel apples may be contaminated with Listeria and may be causing this outbreak.
  • Happy Apples, California Snack Foods, and Merb’s Candies each announced a voluntary recall of commercially produced, prepackaged caramel apples after hearing from Bidart Bros., an apple supplier, that there may be a connection between Bidart Bros. apples and this listeriosis outbreak.
  • Investigators are continuing to work to determine if any other brands or types of commercially produced, prepackaged caramel apples are linked to illnesses.
  • CDC continues to recommend that U.S. consumers do not eat any commercially produced, prepackaged caramel apples, including plain caramel apples as well as those containing nuts, sprinkles, chocolate, or other toppings, until more specific guidance can be provided.
  • Although caramel apples are often a fall seasonal product, contaminated commercially produced, prepackaged caramel apples may still be for sale at grocery stores and other retailers nationwide or may be in consumers’ homes.
  • As of January 8, 2015, a total of 32 people infected with the outbreak strains of Listeria monocytogenes had been reported from 11 states.
  • Thirty-one ill people have been hospitalized, and six deaths have been reported. Listeriosis contributed to at least three of these deaths.
  • Ten illnesses were pregnancy-related (occurred in a pregnant woman or her newborn infant), with one illness resulting in a fetal loss.
  • Three invasive illnesses (meningitis) were among otherwise healthy children aged 5–15 years.
  • To date, 23 (88%) of the 26 ill people interviewed reported eating commercially produced, prepackaged caramel apples before becoming ill.
  • The Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) has identified 2 cases of listeriosis in Canada with the same pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) patterns as seen in the U.S. outbreak.
  • PHAC is working with its provincial and territorial partners to determine the source of these illnesses.
  • This investigation is rapidly evolving, and new information will be provided as it becomes available.

Alcohol fraud: bottles sold to tourists contained urine, feces for color

I’m not much of a hard liquor drinker but I’m sure there’s a cheap-whiskey-tastes-like-piss joke in here somewhere.

According to DailyMail.com a fraudster in the tourist town of Blackpool, UK has been arrested after selling bottles filled with flat cola or water colored with urine and feces. Awesome.

A conman was branded a danger to public health after he was caught selling bottles filled with urine as whisky to tourists.

Nicholas Stewart was arrested after he was seen trying to sell the one and a half litre bottles of fake whisky and vodka to holidaymakers for £10, a court heard.

Scientific analysis revealed some drinks merely contained flat cola but in others they found evidence of human waste.670px-Pee-in-a-Bottle-Step-4

Blackpool Council prosecutor Victoria Cartmell said the drinks had probably been laced with faeces and urine to give the colour of whisky.

The 35-year-old, from Blackpool, was spared jail for the sickening offence and was handed a 70 day jail term suspended for 12 months after he admitted fraud.

The bottles were seized by security staff when Stewart was seen approaching customers in the massive Coral Island slot machine complex.

‘Assuming the ingredients were really wheat, salt, eggs … hallucinations would not be common’ Three Kings Day bread linked to illnesses

There was a guy I went to high school with who often would take acid before biology class.

He didn’t do so well.

Last year Walmart was linked to an odd case of LSD-laced steak which reportedly caused a family of four (including a pregnant mom) to be hospitalized with hallucinations. According to the Orange County Register, over 30 people have experienced hallucinations this week after eating cake made by Cholula’s Bakery in Santa Ana (CA).nhw2t4-b88305087z.120150108185332000g9u7bdu1.10

Bakery cashier Fidelina Gutierrez ate some of the sweet bread being sold at La Bodega Ranch market in Orange in celebration of Three Kings Day.

It made her sick – but not with the symptoms most commonly associated with food poisoning.

“It felt as if I was in another dimension,” Gutierrez said. “I could feel it closing my throat. It was bad, bad, bad.”

On Thursday, health officials were still working to determine why the cake sickened Gutierrez and nearly 40 others earlier this week with heart palpitations, dizziness, numbness and hallucinatory thoughts – symptoms not typically induced by bacteria, a common trigger of food poisoning. 

“Assuming the ingredients were really wheat, salt, eggs, that sort of stuff, hallucinations would not be common. If you put LSD into something, you might see some of these symptoms,” said Dr. Carl Schultz, a professor of emergency medicine at UC Irvine.

Made with sweet bread, candied fruits and a small baby Jesus figurine inside, rosca de reyes cake is eaten on Jan. 6 to celebrate the Latin American holiday Three Kings Day, honoring the arrival of the three Wise Men.

Jeff Nelken, a Woodland Hills-based food safety consultant, speculated that chemicals on the Jesus figurine might have leeched into the cake. Either that, he said, or it was laced or an employee accidentally mistook a cleaning product or some other chemical for an ingredient.




Australia has an egg problem: raw eggs in deep fried ice cream batter linked to Salmonella outbreak

It seems like every couple of weeks we post about an egg-linked Salmonella outbreak in Australia.

Here’s another one.images

A day after Chin Chin Chinese was fingered in an investigation into over 100 cases of salmonellosis, health authorities, according to 9News are looking at deep fried ice cream batter containing raw eggs as the source.

A table of egg-based Salmonella outbreaks is available here.

Eggs used in deep-fried ice cream batter have been blamed for a Queensland food poisoning outbreak that left 110 people violently ill.

Metro South Health officials confirmed last night tests conducted at Chin Chin Chinese Restaurant returned positive for salmonella and they believed the raw eggs were to blame, the Courier Mail reports.

Eight of the 15 people at Julie Holmes’ birthday dinner on Sunday night fell violently ill, with six hospitalised – two overnight – and four put on drips.

“I haven’t eaten for three days,” she said. “It’s just dreadful, the worst thing I’ve ever been through.”

Cheryl Broadhurst, who was part of the birthday group, said her family was still feeling the effects of the poisoning almost one week later.

Her 21-year-old daughter was rushed to Queen Elizabeth II Jubilee Hospital yesterday morning.

The popular family restaurant located in Springwood was slapped with a temporary closure by Logan City Council as victims continue to come forward, with cases almost doubling overnight.

So far, 110 people who dined at Chin Chin on Saturday and Sunday nights have reported falling ill.

A sign on the restaurant’s door yesterday read: “Closed for maintenance until further notice.”

Its Facebook page, which enjoyed mostly positive reviews, has been inundated with angry patrons who are threatening legal action.

You can check out the Facebook comments here.

At least 80 sick with Salmonella linked to Australia Chinese restaurant

Dozens of southeast Queenslanders have been affected by a suspected salmonella outbreak south of Brisbane.

chin.chin.salm.victims.15Chinese restaurant Chin Chin at Springwood was closed by Logan City Council on Monday after people began presenting to hospitals with food poisoning symptoms.

A representative of Queensland Health said it was believed most of those sick had eaten at the premises on Saturday and Sunday.

About 80 people are understood to have been affected, but final numbers had yet to be calculated.

A Metro South health spokesman said tests were still being carried out and it was too early to confirm what caused the outbreak.

“As of Wednesday afternoon, we’d received nine formal complaints, but they relate to multiple people,” he said.

“Metro South Public Health is investigating, with samples and statements taken from a number of people.”

In a statement, a Logan City Council spokeswoman said they were working with Queensland Health to investigate.

“We have taken steps under the Food Act 2006 to ensure there is no further risk until the outcome of the investigation is known,” she said.

“We also encourage people would like to report any other alleged cases of illness to contact Queensland Health.”

lsPrivacy legislation prevented Metro South and the Logan City Council from confirming the name of the eatery.

However dozens of angry comments were left on an automatically-generated Facebook page for Chin Chin.

“Went here with three friends on Saturday, one of us has been admitted to hospital for food poisoning (around 30 people there from Saturday night alone!). And I’ve been writhing in pain for the last two days,” wrote Benjamin Gunning.

“Absolute disgrace,” wrote Joshua Curtus.

“My partner and I ate there on [Saturday] and we have been in bed sick for 3 days. This place needs a serious clean up… I will never eat there again.”

Julie Holmes and her daughter Tayla are recovering after falling ill over the weekend. They were at the restaurant to celebrate Julie’s birthday.

Eight of the 15 people at Julie Holmes’ birthday dinner on Sunday night fell violently ill.

 A sign on the restaurant’s door yesterday read: “Closed for maintenance until further notice.”

Authorities say the closure order does not necessarily mean the restaurant is to blame for the outbreak because it may have been supplied with contaminated food.

Bullshit. Sourcing food from safe sources is part of a restaurant’s responsibility, along with the usual — and limited — cooking, cleaning, chilling and separating.

30 norovirus cases linked to Minnesota Chuck E. Cheese

There’s a Chuck E. Cheese that I drive by with Sam a couple of times a week. Every time we go by he wants to go back: we took him there on his third birthday (on a weekday afternoon) and he went nuts for Skee-Ball and the arcade games.

Running food safety and infection control at a kids arcade-style restaurant is probably nerve-wracking. According to KAAL ABC Chanel 6, a norovirus outbreak is being investigated at a Minnesota Chuck E. Cheese outlet.chuck_e_cheese

The Washington County Public Health Department is investigating a norovirus outbreak at a Woodbury Chuck E. Cheese restaurant that sickened at least 30 last weekend.

The restaurant was scheduled to be closed until 1 p.m. Wednesday while staff cleaned, said Fred Anderson, an epidemiologist for Washington County Public Health. The restaurant was open until 8 p.m. Tuesday.

Washington County is still trying to determine how the norovirus got started. Several patrons reported getting sick Saturday. Public Health has interviewed about 60 people and half have reported getting sick.

Washington County Public Health reviewed the reservations made for Friday, Saturday and Sunday and determined about 1,000 people were in the restaurant during that time, Anderson said.

A decent recipe for an outbreak is a bunch of kids, with questionable hygiene, in a place with a lot of stuff to touch, and eat, at the height of norovirus season.




Salmonella in Europe lowest in Sweden, highest in Spain

We developed a model that enabled a back-calculation of the annual salmonellosis seroincidence from measurements of Salmonella antibodies and applied this model to 9677 serum samples collected from populations in 13 European countries. We found a 10-fold difference in the seroincidence, which was lowest in Sweden (0.06 infections per person-year), Finland (0.07), and Denmark (0.08) and highest in Spain (0.61), followed by Poland (0.55).

chickenThese numbers were not correlated with the reported national incidence of Salmonella infections in humans but were correlated with prevalence data of Salmonella in laying hens (P < .001), broilers (P < .001), and slaughter pigs (P = .03). Seroincidence also correlated with Swedish data on the country-specific risk of travel-associated Salmonella infections (P = .001). Estimates based on seroepidemiological methods are well suited to measure the force of transmission of Salmonella to human populations, in particular relevant for assessments where data include notifications from areas, states or countries with diverse characteristics of the Salmonella surveillance.

 Seroincidence of human infections with nontyphoid Salmonella compared with data from public health surveillance and food animals in 13 European countries

Clin Infect Dis. (2014) 59 (11): 1599-1606 first published online August 6, 2014
