Berries breaking my heart: Risk ranking in fresh produce in Denmark

My friend Miriam Meister writes that the risk of getting a foodborne infection from fresh fruit and vegetables in Denmark is highest from consumption of berries, lettuce, sprouts, tomato and melon. This is the finding of a risk ranking performed by the National Food Institute, Technical University of Denmark for the Danish Veterinary and Food Administration. The ranking can be used to prioritise initiatives aimed at strengthening food safety.

Frosne-hindbær-700x350Danes eat more fruit and vegetables then they used to. Consumption has increased from 1995-2013 by 30%. Danish consumers also have greater access to fresh produce from all over the world. At the same time fresh fruit and vegetables have increasingly been the cause of foodborne infections – not only in Denmark but in the entire industrialised world. As a consequence of the increased global trade there is a risk that disease-causing microorganisms, which were only rarely or never found in Denmark, are being introduced onto the Danish market through imported goods.

This is the reason that the National Food Institute has evaluated the risk from microorganisms in ready-to-eat fresh fruit and vegetables on the Danish market. A list has been drawn up of combinations of products and disease-causing microorganisms, which pose the greatest risk of disease to Danish consumers. A total of 30 different combinations are included.

The ranking is based on an overall assessment of the risk posed by each of the 30 combinations. The assessment is based on data on the occurrence of microorganisms in the specific products, the dosage of the microorganism needed to cause disease, how severe a disease it causes, average number of cases per year, and how much of the specific product is eaten.

Norovirus in berries ranks highest, followed by salmonella, norovirus and E. coli in lettuce. In general, berries, lettuce, sprouts, tomatoes and melons are at the top of the ranking. The results are largely consistent with what similar European and American risk rankings have found.

The authorities can use the results to evaluate the effect of control measures and changing consumption patterns as well as to prioritise initiatives aimed at strengthening food safety.

For this project the National Food Institute has developed a tool that can be used to rank combinations of products and disease-causing microorganisms for groups of people with different consumption patterns. The tool can also be used to update the risk ranking when new control data is available.

Fresh fruit and vegetables can contain disease-causing microorganism e.g. if they have been watered or washed with contaminated water, or they have been harvested or handled by people who have inadequate hand hygiene. Consumers can minimise the risk of disease by washing produce thoroughly and by following any instructions related to heat treatment

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See the entire report: Risikorangering af sygdomsfremkaldende mikroorganismer i frisk frugt og grønt (pdf – available in Danish only).

The project defines fresh fruit and vegetables as fresh, unprocessed, ready-to-eat fruit and vegetable products, which are typically eaten without any further heat treatment or processing by the consumer. Also included are baby corn and snow peas, which are sometimes eaten without heeding advice for heat treatment. Frozen berries, which have often been associated with outbreaks of disease, are also included.

I’m baaack: Opryland hotel guests report illnesses

Despite declaring on Jan. 26, 2015, there was no longer a threat of norovirus at the Gaylord Opryland Resort & Convention Center, The Tennessean reports new cases of illness have been reported.

i'm.back.shiningThe hotel is working with the Metro Public Health Department and following all recommended cleaning and sanitizing steps to prevent the spread of illness, said spokeswoman Jenny Barker in an email to The Tennessean. Barker did not say how many guests were affected.

“A number of guests have notified us that they were feeling unwell upon arrival to the hotel or during their stay with us,” Barker said. “The health and safety of our guests is of paramount importance to Gaylord Opryland.”

Barker says the hotel is implementing additional sanitizing measures above the recommendations since viruses are common during this time of year. Health care services are being provided to sick guests and the hotel has staff paramedics as well as an on-site health clinic, she said.

Norovirus on NC State campus?

There’s for sure some norovirus in the Jaykus/NoroCORE lab, but NC State Student Health Center has a message on their website suggesting that there may be be some community illnesses as well. It’s even got it’s own Twitter handle, @WolfPackNoro.
The stomach bug or stomach flu (norovirus -ben), is on campus.
Symptoms include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain/cramping, fever and / or headache. 10849902_719581291471357_3442145704847569295_n1-300x300
If you are experiencing these symptoms call 919-515-7107. 
The virus is spread by touching contaminated surfaces or objects and then touching your mouth, eating contaminated foods or drinks, and direct contact with stool or vomit while caring for a sick person. If you become sick, take care of yourself with:
▪Medications. This may include fever reducing, anti-nausea, and/or anti-diarrhea medicines.
▪Oral Rehydration. Sip only clear non caffeinated liquids, such as ginger ale, water, ice chips, sport drinks, broth soups.
▪Diet. Once liquids are tolerated eat a bland diet.  This would include crackers, noodles, rice, and toast, and limit dairy.  Advance your diet as tolerated.
▪IV Fluids, as needed. Prevention is key to staying well.  
Washing hands is the most important thing to do to prevent getting or spreading the infection.  Also, decontaminate surfaces and objects, such a computer keyboards, door handles, and steering wheels.
I’d add that alcohol-based hand sanitizer, a favorite tool in outbreaks, isn’t effective against human norovirus unless it’s (VF481) and to decontaminate with chlorine-based compounds (quaternary ammonia sanitizers also aren’t all that effective against noro.
Here are some infosheets about the virus.

Heston still don’t know food safety: Fat Duck Melbourne

A friend asked me while walking home after depositing the kids at school today, “You hear about that $525 a meal restaurant in Melbourne?”

heston.blumenthal.3.09I launched into a five-minute tirade about the food safety failings of Heston Blumenthal, ending with, that’s probably more than you wanted to know.

“Yeah, that’s OK, it’s what you do.”

Yesterday, the first diners were welcomed into The Fat Duck Melbourne, one of the world’s most anticipated restaurant openings of this year.

They were the first of just 14,000 people who will over the next six months get to experience a 4 ½ hour “gastronomic journey of history, nostalgia, emotion and memory,” as Heston describes a Fat Duck meal delivered over more than 14 courses.

And they each parted with $525 a head — before drinks — for the privilege.

First impressions were overwhelmingly positive.

“I’ve done a lot of work looking at the DNA of the Duck. What is the DNA of these experiential, narrative, contextual dishes? It’s all about memories and experiences,” Heston said.

The diners probably didn’t hear about Heston’s nasty outbreak of Norovirus that sickened 529 at the Fat Duck in the UK in 2009, which only seats some 40 people a night, so the virus was circulating between staff and patrons and back again.

A report by the UK Health Protection Agency concluded that Norovirus was probably introduced at the restaurant through contaminated shellfish, including oysters that were served raw and razor clams that may not have been appropriately handled or cooked.

Investigators identified several weaknesses in procedures at the restaurant may have contributed to ongoing transmission including: delayed response to the incident, the use of inappropriate environmental cleaning products, and staff working when ill. Up to 16 of the restaurant’s food handlers were reportedly working with Norovirus symptoms before it was voluntarily closed.

Food porn if you like, but get the basics right first.

Today (or yesterday, Feb. 3) in 1959, a plane crash near Mason City, Iowa, killed Buddy Holly, J.P. The Big Bopper Richardson and Ritchie Valens.

Buddy Holly got the basics right.

Campy surge in Scotland

More than 6,000 people fell ill as a result of Campylobacter, which is present in raw meat particularly poultry, last year.

andy.murrayInfants and toddlers were among those who suffered the symptoms such as sickness and diarrhea, with a 25 per cent increase in cases recorded among those under the age of four.

In total 6,636 cases were confirmed by NHS laboratories during 2014, a rise of 7.7 per cent compared to the previous year. Experts say the actual number of people likely to have fallen ill will be higher as not everyone who experiences food poisoning contacts the health service for advice.

There were 355 confirmed cases among pre-schoolers in 2014 and 284 in 2013.

At the start of last summer the Food Standards Agency launched a campaign about Campylobacter, saying it was the most common cause of food poisoning even though more people have heard of salmonella and E. coli.

One of their key messages is not to wash raw chicken as splashed droplets can spread the bacteria across hands, clothing, work surfaces and cooking equipment.

Mother and daughter die, suspected food poisoning in Delhi

A 50-year-old woman and her daughter died and her son survived a suspected food poisoning allegedly after consuming food they bought from a nearby eatery in KR Garden in Jeevanahalli, Bengaluru north on Sunday night.

chicken-biriyaniThe deceased have been identified as Padmavathy, 50, a homemaker and her daughter Deepa, 22, a final year bachelor of arts students. The son of Padmavathy, son Satish, 27, working as a team manager with online e-commerce firm, Flipkart.

According to the police, the incident came to light during the early hours of Monday morning when a neighbour went to check on the family and found Deepa lying unconscious on her bed. He immediately informed the police who rushed to the spot and found Deepa dead.

Checking later it was found Padmavathy was admitted by Satish but was later declared dead while undergoing treatment in a hospital. Investigation into the tragedy revealed that the family had ordered Biriyani and noodles from a nearby eatery on Sunday night. The family dined together around 10 pm. While Padmavathy and Deepa ate noodles, Sathish ate Biriyani following which the trio complained of discomfort. Within no time, the three started vomiting. While Deepa went inside her room and slept after vomiting couple of times, Sathish rushed her mother to a nearby hospital owing to her deteriorating condition where later Padmavathy succumbed.

Sudbury, Ontario Casey’s patrons potentially exposed to hep A

Growing up in the bustling metropolis of Port Hope, Ontario (that’s in Canada) with it’s population of 10,000 hosers, restaurant choices were limited. We often made the 10km drive to Cobourg, where Casey’s was the place to be. I can trace 30lbs of my body mass to their chicken wings, ribs and potato skins.

A Sudbury, Ontario (that’s also in Canada) Casey’s restaurant is, according to the Sudbury Star, dealing with a hepatitis A situation, with over 1000 patrons lining up for post exposure shots.default

Sudburians and others who dined at a popular restaurant last month clearly took a warning to heart that was issued last week by the Sudbury & District Health Unit. Anyone who ate at Casey’s Bar & Grill from Jan. 1 to 20, especially from Jan. 15-20, was urged to get assessed and have a hepatitis A vaccination after a restaurant employee was confirmed as having the illness.

By Monday morning, nurses at the health unit had administered 1,056 hepatitis A shots in three days of free clinics and they weren’t finished. They were working extended hours Monday, but were to return to their normal 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. routine Tuesday. Holly Browne said the vaccination, which usually costs $60 for adults and $40 for children, is most effective two weeks after exposure although the incubation period for hepatitis A is 50 days.

The health unit fielded more than 1,000 phone calls in three days, screening those who ate at Casey’s from Jan. 1-14 and offering vaccinations to those who dined there from Jan. 15-20. The health unit was notified that the employee had contracted hepatitis A by a laboratory that did blood testing on the person. Hepatitis A is a reportable disease.

Casey’s issued a statement after the health unit reported the case of hepatitis A infection Thursday. It said the affected employee will be on sick leave until fully recovered. Casey’s voluntarily closed its restaurant Thursday and reopened Friday after undergoing a thorough, third-party sanitization of kitchen equipment and the entire restaurant. Its employees attended a vaccination clinic Thursday.


Halal slaughter: Outcry after UK undercover film exposes brutality of industry

Nigel Morris of The Independent reports that UK Ministers are under pressure to respond to growing public discontent about religious slaughter after an undercover investigation exposed the horrific mistreatment of animals at a halal abattoir.

halal.slaughterSecretly filmed footage which appears to show abattoir workers repeatedly hacking at sheep’s throats, hurling them into solid structures and kicking them in the face has intensified demands for a complete ban on the religious slaughter of animals without stunning them first.

Four slaughtermen at the North Yorkshire abattoir have had their operating licences suspended by the Food Standards Agency (FSA) after a catalogue of apparent brutality was caught on camera. The footage shows animals being treated with “gratuitous violence and contempt”, according to the charity Animal Aid, which carried out the investigation.

The film emerged days after a petition demanding that  slaughter without pre-stunning be outlawed passed the 100,000 mark, adding pressure on political leaders to bring in fresh curbs on inhumane practices in abattoirs. Government has said it has no intention of introducing new controls on the production of halal or kosher meat, a line that David Cameron repeated during a recent visit to Israel. Animals are meant to be stunned before they are killed, but there are exemptions for Muslim and Jewish producers.

The covert filming at the Bowood Lamb abattoir in Thirsk, North Yorkshire, appears to show workers hacking and sawing at throats in contravention of Islamic practice, which requires animals to be killed with one clean sweep of a knife. In one instance it took five attempts to sever blood vessels.

The petition calling for an end to non-stun slaughter has been championed by the British Veterinary Association, which has warned ministers that they “simply cannot ignore the strength of public feeling” over animal welfare.,AAAAkVf4sTE~,ZHihQoc0Mak3KW61gTbGinrWzI69us3-&bctid=4028969078001

Canberra uses cow shares to get their raw milk fix

A Canberra woman admits “it would be fair to say that pasteurised milk would be safer” but she still intends on using raw milk for her family.

sprout.santa.barf.xmasSaffron Zomer developed a taste for raw milk while living overseas.

She is now involved in a cow share scheme which presently enables her to consume the untreated milk.

Ms Zomer is among around 25 Canberra households who are part of the scheme run by Julia McKay a dairy farmer at Bungonia north of the nation’s capital.

Ms McKay delivers around ten litres of milk on a weekly basis to the various shareholders.

Ms Zomer gets the milk “primarily because its delicious” after living in Switzerland where she and her husband had access to raw milk.

“I did some research and I think the nutritional value is higher.” Ms Zomer said.

Ms Zomer has three children, one who is newly born and not feeding on the milk.

“My oldest isn’t much of a milk drinker, but the little one likes it and he is always excited when it is delivery day because the milk is really fresh and he doesn’t like to drink supermarket milk anymore.” she observed.

Family guy barfShe argues that there is a clear difference in the taste of raw milk when compared to supermarket milk.

Her husband uses some of the milk to make cheese.

Ms Zomer compares drinking of raw milk to eating other unprocessed food.

“I also let my kids eat seafood, sprouts and raw spinach and chicken.

I wouldn’t let my kids eat raw sprouts. Or raw milk.