How long will I barf with norovirus? Survey says, 44 hours

Norovirus infections—sometimes known as the stomach flu—typically last for the same amount of time, independent of age or the type of norovirus a person is infected with, according to a recent study by the University of Georgia College of Public Health, Emory University and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in the journal Epidemiology and Infection.

norovirusSymptoms from a norovirus infection last about two days, a finding that is constant between infected individuals, as well as environmental settings. The incubation period-or time until symptoms start-is also a consistent 1.5 days from time of infection. These findings differ from the authors’ expectations.

“I would have expected there to be a difference in something like a hospital setting or a difference depending on age groups,” said Andreas Handel, an assistant professor of epidemiology. “But when we analyzed the data, we didn’t see much of a difference.”

One caveat noted by the authors is that the data they analyzed was reported on the level of individual outbreaks, not individual patients. Future studies looking at individual patients are required to further test the findings.

The journal article on “Association of host, agent and environment characteristics and the duration of incubation and symptomatic periods of norovirus gastroenteritis” is available at

Oh Canada: Finding source of BSE ‘a needle in a haystack’

Canadian Agriculture Minister Gerry-what-Listeria-Ritz says figuring out how an Alberta cow was infected with BSE is like looking for a needle in a haystack.

ITALY-G8-G5-AGRICULTURE-FARMThe beef breeding cow was discovered last month on a farm near Edmonton and was born on a nearby farm.

Another cow born on the same farm in 2004 tested positive for bovine spongiform encephalopathy in 2010.

He says the feed system is also being checked to see if there’s any kind of “smoking gun.”

Ritz says a number of countries that have temporarily suspended imports of Canadian beef are being kept in the loop, but he points out they only account for about five per cent of Canada’s worldwide market.

Because trade is more important than safety.

So Ger, how effective is that ban on mammalian protein in ruminant feed? Got any proof?

Australian bakery fined $166,000 for unsafe food

The former owner of a western-suburbs bakery in Adelaide has been fined more than $160,000 over rodent droppings, dead and live insects, and mouldy pastry at the premises.

fly.breadChampion Bakery and its owner, Michael John Nickols, were today fined $166,000 in the Adelaide Magistrates Court after pleading guilty to multiple breaches of the food act over the unsafe preparation and sale of the food from the Beverley store.

The court heard Nickols had sold his product to delicatessens, service stations and convenient stores throughout South Australia despite having a prohibition order placed upon his business.

The breaches were detected and photographed by Charles Sturt Council food compliance officers during inspections in September 2013 and February 2014.

Lawyers for Nickols today asked the court to be lenient on their client, who kept operating his bakery in filthy conditions despite the order, because he believed he had to work to live and had declined government-funded disability benefits he was entitled to.

In sentencing, Magistrate Bob Harrap said Nickols offending could have made unsuspecting customers very ill.

The court had earlier heard Nickols had been in the food business as a chef and supplier for more than 40 years before the offending.

He also apologised for obstructing a council food compliance officer from inspecting the business by locking a door of a room he was trying to enter in February last year.

E. Lebanon shop owners attack health inspector, reporter

The owners of a supermarket in east Lebanon attacked a Health Ministry inspector and a journalist Saturday during a food safety visit. statement said the owners of al-Meis supermarket in Bar Elias attacked the expert who went to inspect food safety conditions inside the shop.

They also assaulted a reporter who called them out for trying to sneak expired foods out of the shop once the inspector arrived, the statement added.

Food safety cleanup

A Colorado county heard all the arguments against restaurant inspection disclosure — A, B, C, D or F that are at least 20 years old, and took them seriously. owner of The Woolpack pub in Wilstead, UK has been fined £15,000 for “extreme food hygiene offences” and failure to take action after previous offences.

Five closure orders were served on food businesses over the course of February for breaches of food safety legislation in Ireland, and were reminded by Dr Bernard Hegarty, Director of Service Contracts at the Food Safety Authority of Ireland that the onus is on businesses to ensure the food they serve is safe to eat.

PrimusLabs, the auditors who subcontracted to someone else who gave a big thumbs up to Jensen Farms in Colorado before their cantaloupes sickened at least 147 and killed 33 with Listeria in 2011, is going to sell its audit division.

colbert.raw.milkSomeone in Australia wheeled out all the usual arguments to defend feeding his children raw, or unpasteurized milk, and got national coverage, perhaps in the name of journalistic balance. That worked out well with the anti-vaccine coverage.

You see a cute chick or duck, I see a Salmonella factory, Washington-state-here-comes-Easter edition, with 39 residents sickened in the past three years associated with three separate national Salmonella outbreaks that caused more than 1,200 people to get sick.

German city of Hamburg introduces water-repellent paint to fight public urination

I went to Germany a few years ago, and after hours on the train, really had to pee.

352931-d4c575b2-c39d-11e4-bdbb-25549bb81a95But the public restrooms would only take German coins, and were particularly designed to avoid sliding under the door, so off I went to my destination.

When I got there, they all said, just pee on the wall, everyone else does.

The city of Hamburg has erected signs around the city reading “Don’t pee here. We pee back.” A public awareness campaign video shows CCTV footage of a stream of men on the way home from a drunken night out stopping to relieve themselves in the street. Then the video introduces the city’s secret weapon.

359733-d4806472-c39d-11e4-bdbb-25549bb81a95In the fight against the scourge of urinating drunks, the local St Pauli neighbourhood association has begun painting its walls with water-repellent paint, similar to the type used on ships.

The association told a number of outlets that when liquid hits the walls it rebounds with “almost the same force”. Handy graphics spell it out for anyone still confused.

Is it safe to eat (white) snow?

Jeff S. Gaffney, a professor of chemistry at the University of Arkansas at Little Rock, told NPR that if we were to package snow and put it on grocery store shelves, the ingredient list would be, “Primarily water,” but also “various and sundry things depending on where it [comes from]” — things like sulphates, nitrates, formaldehyde or mercury.

Dont-eat-yellow-snow4As it falls through the sky, snow, with its intricate latticework, forms a sort of net for catching pollutants that may be in the atmosphere. The most common is black carbon, or soot, released by coal-fired plants and wood-burning stoves.

That’s why John Pomeroy, a researcher who studies water resources and climate change at the University of Saskatchewan, suggests it’s better to wait until a few hours into the snowfall to gather your fresh catch. Snow acts like a kind of atmospheric “scrubbing brush,” he explains. The longer the snow falls, the lower the pollution levels in the air, and thus in the snow.

But even if you start to collect as soon as it begins to flurry, Gaffney reassures me that contaminants in snow are “all at levels well below toxic.”

The food taster: Turkish edition

In a modern twist on a self-preservation tactic used by cautious kings and pharaohs, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan of Turkey is having his food tested before he eats — not by a human taster, though, but in the lab.

food.taster-195x300Mr. Erdogan’s physician, Dr. Cevdet Erdol, revealed this week that at least one of the thousand rooms in the president’s extravagant $600 million palace in Ankara, the capital, will hold a special food analysis laboratory to test the president’s meals for radioactive materials, poison or certain types of bacteria that could be used in an assassination attempt.

Over 240 students in Taiwan ill with Norovirus

There’s a lot of Norovirus going around Taiwan resulting in hotel closures, waivers and according to the Want China Times, the latest group hit by the vomit-inducing pathogen are students on graduation trips.

About 140 students and teachers out of a 285-person group from New Taipei Municipal An Kang High School reported diarrhea and vomiting during their trip to southern Taiwan, according to the CDC.10849902_719581291471357_3442145704847569295_n1-300x300

The symptoms appeared after the group ate breakfast at their hotel in the scenic Kenting area on Thursday morning and again after eating dinner at another restaurant on Thursday night, the agency said.

The patients were sent to numerous hospitals and most of them have been discharged, the agency said.

Likewise, 100 students from Ming Hu Elementary School in Taipei have reported vomiting during their trip to Chiayi county since Thursday morning.

The CDC said it is investigating if any staff members of the hotels and restaurants the group visited have contracted the disease.

Sharing stories helps: Atlanta area Salmonella outbreak linked to smoked chicken

Public health folks, especially those in the local health departments, have the best stories. They see food safety risks (and risk reduction) in action weekly either through routine inspection visits or outbreak investigations. Sharing outbreak investigation stories – from the consequences, to stool sampling, to investigation of practices – provides a foundation for others to learn from.

Caroline Stamatakis, a CDC fellow, writes about the details of a December 2014 Salmonella Thompson outbreak for the Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists blog.

Highlights include:stoolsampleweb

To identify potential sources of illness, we performed a case control study. Additionally, we collected stool samples from 12 persons who became ill. These were assessed by the Georgia Public Health Laboratory (GPHL). Staff from the Environmental Health Services Unit of FCDHW interviewed the individual who prepared the main meat entrees (pork and chicken) regarding the handling, cooking, and serving procedures used.

Models using exact logistic regression indicate that only the smoked chicken was significantly associated with illness. GPHL bacteriology results identified 10 positive specimens for Salmonella Thompson. Pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) indicated that nine of the 10 specimens had the same pattern. Findings from Environmental Health Service interviews revealed that the person preparing the chicken had limited knowledge regarding the required temperatures and procedures necessary to properly store or cook chicken for such a large number of people.

The epidemiologic, clinical, and environmental data collected indicate a point source outbreak due to contaminated smoked chicken as the probable transmission vehicle. The presence of two PFGE patterns in an outbreak such as this is not commonly reported in epidemiology literature – but it does occur.

These findings indicate that proper food preparation and serving processes, such as temperature regulation, are highly important in the prevention of foodborne outbreaks. Furthermore, private entities that do not have permits for food service and catering events are not held to the same hygiene and food safety standards as professional caterers.