E. coli O157 recall in ground beef in Canada

Killarney Market is voluntarily recalling Killarney Market brand ground beef from the marketplace due to possible E. coli O157:H7 contamination

Killarney Market brand ground beefThis recall was triggered by Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) test results. The CFIA is conducting a food safety investigation, which may lead to the recall of other products. If other high-risk products are recalled, the CFIA will notify the public through updated Food Recall Warnings.

There have been no reported illnesses associated with the consumption of these products.

Good Seed not so good: Sprouts recalled for Listeria

Good Seed Inc. of Springfield, Virginia has issued a recall of soybean and mung bean sprouts for possible listeria contamination.

seed_packets_small-300x225The company issued the recall on its one-, two- and ten-pound products produced on or after April 1.

The contamination was discovered after sampling by the state Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services Food Safety Program.

Consumers who bought the soybean and mung bean sprouts in Virginia, Maryland, New Jersey or North Carolina should return them to the store for a full refund.

This is the second recall for soybean sprouts from a company in Virginia.

Way to look after sick people: UK hospital gets lousy food safety rating

Food hygiene levels at Burnley General Hospital have been criticised by the Food Standards Agency – resulting in health chiefs being told that major improvement is necessary.

burnley.hospital.UKThe catering premises of the hospital were inspected on March 27th by Burnley Council, which routinely inspects restaurants, take-aways and organisations that serve food to the public, on behalf of the FSA.

The FSA’s “Food Hygiene Rating” marks premises on a score of 0 to 5, with 5 being the best. Burnley General Hospital received a rating of 1, which states major improvement is necessary.

Burnley Council confirmed its Environmental Health team carried out a routine food hygiene inspection at Burnley General Hospital at the end of March and there was a follow-up visit a few days later.

Salmonella sticks to older lettuce better

Salmonella can bind to the leaves of salad crops including lettuce and survive for commercially relevant periods. Previously studies have shown that younger leaves are more susceptible to colonization than older leaves and that colonization levels are dependent on both the bacterial serovar and the lettuce cultivar.

lettuceIn this study, we investigated the ability of two Lactuca sativa cultivars (Saladin and Iceberg) and an accession of wild lettuce (L. serriola) to support attachment of Salmonella enterica serovar Senftenberg, to the 1st and 5–6th true-leaves and the associations between cultivar-dependent variation in plant leaf surface characteristics and bacterial attachment. Attachment levels were higher on older leaves than on the younger ones and these differences were associated with leaf vein and stomatal densities, leaf surface hydrophobicity and leaf surface soluble protein concentrations. Vein density and leaf surface hydrophobicity were also associated with cultivar-specific differences in Salmonella attachment, although the latter was only observed in the older leaves and was also associated with level of epicuticular wax.

 Older leaves of lettuce (Lactuca spp.) support higher levels of Salmonella enterica ser. Senftenberg attachment and show greater variation between plant accessions than do younger leaves.

Microbiology Letters [ahead of print]

Paul J. Hunter , Robert K. Shaw , Cedric N. Berger , Gad Frankel , David Pink , Paul Hand


Washington Teen had dialysis and surgery following E. coli

Providing donuts for volunteers in a barn may be a key in an outbreak linked to 45 E. coli O157:H7 illnesses. According to King 5, Handwashing stations (which are never enough) weren’t available and hand sanitizer units were empty. A recipe for disaster, as they say.

The Whatcom County Health Department is trying to figure out what caused Toby Hager and 44 others to fall ill after a dairy festival in Lynden.

Hager described how he helped set up a maze in this dairy barn before the Milk Makers Fest last month.Donuts_(1)

“We were to pick up hay bales and set them up in a certain way for a map for a maze,” he said.

As a reward for their work, Hager and the rest of the Lynden High School Ag Tech class were fed donuts in the very same barn.

He said the hand washing stations were not turned on. He found only a pump of hand sanitizer.

“Just the one hand sanitizing station that was on a pole that, as I said before, was empty,” Hager said.

The next day the 15-year-old fell ill.

“He came home from school and complained he had a really bad headache,” said his mother, Amy Hayes-Shaw.

Soon he passed blood and started vomiting. Finally in the hospital doctors told his family he had contracted E. coli.

“I freaked out,” his mother said. “I was horrified. Because I remember Jack-In-The-Box and I remembered Odwalla.”

Just like the patients in those outbreaks, Hager suffered acute kidney failure. He went through surgery and dialysis twice.


Lying about cheese leads to $750,000 fine and five days in jail

Lying to federal FDA investigators isn’t a good idea. Especially about redistributing cheese that had tested positive for Salmonella and Staph aureus. According to the Chicago Sun-Times, Miguel Leal, president and owner of Mexican Cheese Producers was sentenced to 5 days in jail for covering up a nasty situation – washing and scraping cheese that had been returned by buyers.

Miguel Leal wanted to bring the cheese of his Mexican homeland to American consumers.Unknown-12

And on Friday, it cost him his freedom. A federal judge ordered Leal to serve five days behind bars for lying to FDA inspectors in 2007 about tainted, moldy, slimy Queso Cincho de Guerrero cheese that was “washed” and scraped and shipped across the U.S.

“I think he started out with a mistake,” U.S. District Judge James Zagel said, in issuing an unusually lenient sentence far below the 13-year maximum Leal had faced. “It turned out not to be a mistake but a crime.”

In all, more than 110,000 pounds of tainted Mexican cheese was shipped to his firm in 2007. A recall was issued in September 2007. Also Friday, Leal’s financial manager Cynthia Gutierrez, of Cicero, received five years probation, while Guadulupe Zurita, who owned the company that imported the cheese from Mexico, received one year probation. His brother Baldemar Zurita, who’s also charged with the scheme, is believed to be hiding in Mexico. Zagel also ordered Leal pay $750,000 in restitution, along with a year of probation.

Leal offered a public apology before his sentencing. “I deeply apologize and I ask for your mercy,” he said.

Listeria, advice, and pregnancy

My  latest from Texas A&M’s Center for Food Safety. Check them out on the Intertubes at http://cfs.tamu.edu/.

HomePage_Soliloquy_powellsworld_MayMy second grandson will be born about the time this is published and, with five daughters, I’ve had my share of conversations about what moms-to-be should and should not eat.

I learned a long time ago that preaching is futile: telling people what to do just doesn’t work.

I can cite lots of risk communication research to support this view, but I’d rather have a chat, provide information, and see where it goes.

It’s a confusing mess of informational goop out there, with a newspaper and even Toronto Sick Kids hospital saying it’s OK for pregnant women to eat “unpasteurized cheeses, shellfish and other ‘edgy foods.’” 

They’re not edgy, they’re microbiologically risky because the immune system of expectant moms is ratcheted down by a factor of 10 to avoid harming the fetus. To say the rates of listeriosis is lower in France where pregnant woman eat unpasteurized cheese (and this applies to any refrigerated, ready-to-eat foods) is to ignore deficiencies in surveillance. One of the largest French cheese producers said it was switching to all-pasteurized in 2008 because it didn’t want any more bodies – born or unborn.

An outbreak of Listeria in cheese in Quebec in fall 2008 led to 38 hospitalizations, of which 13 were pregnant and gave birth prematurely. Two adults died and there were 13 perinatal deaths.

A Sept. 2008 report showed that of the 78 residents of the Canadian province of British Columbia who contracted listeriosis in the previous six years, 10 per cent were pregnant women whose infections put them at high risk of miscarriage or stillbirth.

The majority — nearly 60 per cent — of pregnant women diagnosed with listeriosis either miscarry or have stillbirths.

jaucelynn.pregnantA few months ago, my daughter e-mailed to ask, “So I know I can’t eat deli meat due to risk of Listeria but what about pepperettes?” (apparently they’re a Canadian thing).

I said they’ve probably been heat-treated if they’re commercially available, but copied Chapman to get another opinion.

I failed.

Dr. Ben wrote back that “most are shelf stable based on acidity and water activity (pH and Aw) — they have been fermented and dried (not cooked). “Sometimes they are smoked. Sometimes not.

“I’d cook it because you’d have to know that the pH and Aw was correct and what the steps were to validate the process.

“They are probably fine, but hard to know without the specifics.”

We all make our own risk decisions. And around pregnancy, some folks — like Chapman — choose to be super-cautious.

When our partners were pregnant, Chapman and I would have arguments about whether brie cheese made from pasteurized milk was safe because of its ability to support Listeria growth in a post-processing contamination scenario, and my wife would look at me and go, “nerd.”

She was right. And it was of no help to the pregnant ones (the toasted brie on crackers apparently did help).

What I’ve found through all these pregnancies is the enormous amount of conflicting advice provided to the moms-to-be.

It’s stressful enough being pregnant (not that I would know) without having Dr.-this-that giving bogus advice.

And from Dr. Oz to the Food Babe, the BS detector is rising in public circles.

Back in 2000, the American media was filled with coverage of lLsteria after the 1998-1999 Sara Lee Bil Mar hot dog outbreak in which 80 were sickened, 15 killed and at least 6 pregnant women had miscarriages. Risk assessments had been conducted, people were talking about warning labels, and especially, the risks to pregnant women.

About the same time, I was at a meeting and watched a pregnant PhD load up on smoked salmon, cold cuts and soft cheese for lunch and wondered, do I say something?

One of the biggest risks in pregnancy is protein deficiency. What if smoked salmon, cold cuts and soft cheeses were this woman’s biggest source of protein? (Turns out they were.)

Another big risk factor is stress. I didn’t want to freak her out. Besides, who the hell am I to say anything?

This competes with the duty of care in that, if you have knowledge of something, you have a responsibility to act. 

amy.pregnant.listeriaI sat with the woman during lunch and chatted about babies, her aspirations and how she was feeling. Eventually I introduced the subject of Listeria by talking about a risk assessment that had recently been published by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, and that maybe she would be interested in looking at the results.

I felt sorta goofy.

And the pregnant woman? When I saw her at another meeting a couple of months later, she thanked me for providing her with information about Listeria and risky foods for pregnant mothers.

But I’m just providing information – the peer-reviewed kind. It’s that duty of care thing.

It’s more than just hope and faith I wish for my daughter and her birth. She knows her science.

Dr. Douglas Powell is a former professor of food safety who shops, cooks and ferments from his home in Brisbane, Australia. 

DISCLAIMER: The views and opinions expressed in this blog are those of the original creator and do not necessarily represent that of the Texas A&M Center for Food Safety or Texas A&M University.


So much for the image: FDA says Blue Bell found Listeria in its factory as early as 2013

It’s a classic case of avoiding the safety.

listeria4The safety in this case was Listeria testing. Not much of a safety, but it’s a necessary evil that procedures are working. And when positives come back, action should be taken.

Lauren Raab of the Los Angeles Times writes that Blue Bell Creameries knew it had a listeria problem as early as 2013, and it has failed to make its ice creams and sorbets in a way that would minimize the possibility of contamination, according to Food and Drug Administration reports made public Thursday.

The report on the Blue Bell plant in Broken Arrow, Okla., found the most egregious problems.

On five occasions in 2013 and 10 in 2014, Listeria was found in the plant’s processing room and kitchen on surfaces that did not come in contact with food, the FDA said. And the report found that on at least one occasion, after the plant performed its usual cleaning and sanitizing procedures, Listeria was found again in the same place, and the coliform bacteria count was higher than before the cleaning.

The plant also failed to test for bacteria on food contact surfaces, the report said.

The FDA found lapses in hand-washing and glove-changing as well. For example, the report said, one worker was observed picking up buckets of orange puree from “wet wood pallets which had black mold-like residue and red stains” and then, without changing gloves, touching the rims and insides of the buckets.

Water used to clean equipment, utensils and food-packaging materials was not sufficiently hot, the report found, and ingredients, including unpasteurized milk products, were stored at temperatures that were not sufficiently cold.

Furthermore, the report said, condensation that gathered on equipment dripped into tanks containing ingredients and even into quart containers of finished product.

The plant also used some equipment that was difficult or impossible to clean properly, such as porous wood pallets and a stainless-steel mixer with rough welding, the report said.

The FDA reported shorter lists of similar problems at Blue Bell plants in Brenham, Texas, and Sylacauga, Ala.

Blue Bell did not respond Thursday afternoon to phone calls and emails requesting comment.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 10 people — five in Kansas, three in Texas and one each in Arizona and Oklahoma — are confirmed to have had listeriosis linked to Blue Bell products. All 10 patients were hospitalized, and three in Kansas died, officials said. The illnesses date as far back as January 2010.

Blue Bell recalled all of its products worldwide last month because of Listeria concerns.

The company has said it is expanding its testing and safety procedures. The measures include “expanding our system of swabbing and testing our plant environment by 800% to include more surfaces” and “sending samples daily to a leading microbiology laboratory for testing,” it says on its website.

The situation at Blue Bell “is pretty bad,” said Doug Powell, a former Kansas State University professor of food safety who now publishes the food safety website barfblog.com. Given the FDA’s findings, he said, “it’s not surprising there was an outbreak.”

Blue Bell should have told customers when listeria was first found at the Broken Arrow plant in 2013, and it should have moved to fix the problem right away, Powell said.

By contrast, Powell said, Jeni’s Splendid Ice Creams, which is also dealing with a Listeria problem, has done a much better job: “They have not been linked to any sick people, but as soon as they found Listeria, they just shut down everything.”


French raw sheep’s milk cheese contaminated with Listeria

Hong Kong’s Centre for Food Safety (CFS) of the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department today (May 7) urged the public not to consume certain batches of PERAIL raw sheep’s milk cheese imported from France, as the product might have been contaminated with Listeria monocytogenes, a pathogen. The trade should also stop using or selling the product concerned immediately.

French-cheese-3-of-1“The Centre received a notification from the Rapid Alert System for Food and Feed (RASFF) of the European Commission that certain batches of PERAIL raw sheep’s milk cheese were found to have been contaminated with Listeria monocytogenes. The French producer concerned has initiated a recall of all batches of all specialties of the product produced between the aforesaid dates.

According to the information provided by the RASFF, a small volume of the affected product (with best before dates of May 23, 29 or 30, 2015) has been imported into Hong Kong,” a spokesman for the CFS said.

The CFS is contacting the importer concerned in Hong Kong as notified by the RASFF to instruct it to stop the sale and initiate a recall of the affected product, and trace the distribution of the food concerned.

NY woman takes cat on ‘romantic dinner date’ at restaurant

A woman took a cat to dinner Tuesday evening at a Broadway restaurant, sitting the feline across from her at their outdoor table before leaving without ordering any food, a witness said.

cat.rest.may.15The pair was at the Upper West branch of RedFarm, according to local resident Jessie Auritt, who snapped a picture of the unusual sight and posted it to her Instagram account.

The cat, bedecked in a red bandana and attached to a leash the woman had loosely looped around her wrist, is shown in the photo sitting up in its chair during the “romantic dinner date for two,” she quipped in her post.

RedFarm owner Ed Schoenfeld said it wasn’t the first time the woman and her cat turned up at his restaurant.

“This woman has tried to eat at our restaurant previously with her cat and we’ve denied her service in order to be compliant with the law,” he explained.

The state health code states that pets, except for service animals or police dogs, are not allowed in restaurants or outdoor dining areas, a Health Department spokesman said.