59 now sick from Salmonella at UK pub

Here’s some tips to go along with the platitudes: look at your menu and identify raw foods, look at cross-contamination, don’t rely on government inspectors.

anson.farmA pub boss has vowed to do “everything he can” to try and find answers, as cases of salmonella among diners in Thornaby continue to rise.

The number of people who have tested positive for salmonella after eating at the Anson Farm, in Teesside Industrial Estate, now stands at 23.

In total, 59 people have reported taking ill with suspected food poisoning after eating at the pub – before a series of control measures were put in place in the week commencing May 18.

And as the investigation into possible sources of the infection continues, Richard Lewis, managing director of the Greene King-owned Farmhouse Inns chain, said he was “personally overseeing” the investigation from the pub’s side, adding: “I will do everything I can to try and find answers for those affected”.

He said: “My team is in constant touch with PHE and environmental health and continues to work tirelessly with them to try and locate a cause.

“We are awaiting the results of tests taken on site last week by environmental health in the hope that they may give us and those affected some answers.