Milk tea kills two in Philippines

In a follow-up to the report of two deaths linked to contaminated chilled milk tea, the Philippines Department of Health said in a statement Monday that in coordination with the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and toxicologists from the UP-Philippine General Hospital (PGH), they obtained and studied the footage from the food establishment to aid in assessing the clinical manifestations and course of illness of the victims.

milk.tea_-284x300Samples of the milk tea ingested were also submitted for examination. Preliminary results were negative for suspected toxic substances. However, we have expanded the tests to include biological samples such as blood, tissues, and gastric contents from the victims as collected during the autopsy.

The situation appears to be an isolated event, pointing to a possible case of poisoning. Let me emphasize that this is isolated. In fact, this is the third time the couple bought milk tea in the same food establishment.

The couple they speak of is Suzanne Dagohoy and Arnold Aydalla. On Thursday, the were sickened after tasting milk tea served at the Ergo Cha shop in Bustillos, Sampaloc. Within moments of drinking the milk tea, Dagohoy experienced retching, dizziness, loss of consciousness, twitching of extremities, and pallor. She died 5 hours later.

Mr. Aydalla reportedly experienced fast breathing, chest tightness, weakness of extremities, and carpopedal spasm seven minutes after he sipped the tea. He is currently at the Philippine General Hospital.

In addition to the couple, shop owner William Abrigo also died hours after drinking the milk tea.

Health officials say no untoward incident happened during the previous intake. “We appeal to the public not to generalize the situation as many small and medium scale enterprises are dependent on the sale of milk tea and similar beverages” they noted in the statement.

One person called the report “pointless” while another said the statement raised nothing but confusion. One gentleman called out the DOH saying, “Just do your job, so that it will not happen again.”

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About Douglas Powell

A former professor of food safety and the publisher of, Powell is passionate about food, has five daughters, and is an OK goaltender in pickup hockey. Download Doug’s CV here. Dr. Douglas Powell editor, retired professor, food safety 3/289 Annerley Rd Annerley, Queensland 4103 61478222221 I am based in Brisbane, Australia, 15 hours ahead of Eastern Standard Time