There’s sick people: Campy in raw milk sparks recall Claravale Farm products in Calif

The press release writers used the same ending three years ago when Claravale raw milk stuff was quarantined, and eventually linked 22 sick people to the products. Epidemiology still works.

colbert_raw_milk(5)Raw milk, raw nonfat milk and raw cream produced by Claravale Farm of San Benito County are the subject of a statewide recall and quarantine order announced by California State Veterinarian Dr. Annette Jones.  

The quarantine order came following the confirmed detection of Campylobacter bacteria in Claravale Farm’s raw milk and raw cream from samples collected and tested by the California Department of Public Health (CDPH).  

CDPH found the campylobacter bacteria in samples collected as part of an investigation of illnesses that may have been associated with Claravale Farm raw milk.  No illnesses have been definitively attributed to the products at this time.  However, CDPH is continuing its epidemiological investigation of reported clusters of campylobacter illness where consumption of raw milk products may have occurred.

How many sick people this time?