Brisbane woman allegedly served raw chicken in ‘healthy choices’ McDonald’s wrap at Deception Bay

With all the Salmonella outbreaks going on in Brisbane (that’s in Australia) a woman claims she was served raw chicken from McDonald‘s at Deception Bay yesterday.

hero_pdt_snack_wrap_crispyPersonal trainer Gizela Tahuri, who had not eaten McDonald’s for two years previously, said the ordeal reminded her why.

“So much for healthy choices,” Ms Tahuri said.

“I bought a spicy mayo crispy chicken wrap.

“I probably had two large mouthfuls before I thought the chicken was really soft and it looked raw.

“I instantly felt like I was going to vomit.”

She discovered the raw meat after taking her chicken wrap home.

A McDonald’s spokesman said:

barfblog.Stick It In“We are disappointed that this has happened. We take food safety very seriously and have strict processes and systems in place.”

An investigation is currently under way with the restaurant, and we encourage the customer to contact us to help us to investigate fully.”