Where does food come from? Indiana restaurant with animal birthing room edition

A new restaurant is taking the term ‘farm-to-table’ to a whole new level by letting diners watch baby farm animals being born in a purpose-built birthing room.

dsc_0790At Farmhouse Restaurant in Fair Oaks, Indiana, customers are invited to visit a separate barn where live births happen every hour, with 80,000 baby pigs born each year and 150 calves born every single day.

And diners need not worry about the animals ending up on their plates; since it is only a dairy farm, the employees at Farmhouse get their meat and poultry from neighbouring farms instead.

The Birthing Barn features stadium seating surrounding a room encased with glass, so that hundreds of visitors can catch a glimpse of the miracle of life.

The restaurant, which is run by co-owner Carl Bruggemeier, sits on the 23,000-acre Fair Oaks Farms and boasts up to 500,000 visitors each year.

The goal of the birthing room, he says, is to expose people to where their food comes from.

“Most of us go into a grocery store and don’t really know where things come from or how they got there,” he told Today.com. “We don’t even give it much thought.”