130 cases of E. coli now confirmed in Alberta

Alberta Health Services has now confirmed 130 cases of E.coli infection in Alberta.

There are 63 confirmed cases in Calgary and 50 in the Edmonton region.

supershedder.e.coliAHS has not confirmed the source of the bacterial infection. However, health officials are urging the population to take precautions to reduce the risk of infection. 

Those precautions include washing hands with hot, soapy water — especially after using the bathroom — before preparing food and after touching raw meat.

AHS also suggests cooking beef to an internal temperature of at least 160 degrees Fahrenheit and washing all fruit and vegetables.

Washing don’t do much.

Quantitative risk assessment of hemolytic and uremic syndrome linked to O157:H7 and non-O157:H7 shiga-toxin producing Escherichia coli strains in raw milk soft cheeses

Shiga-toxin producing Escherichia coli (STEC) strains may cause human infections ranging from simple diarrhea to Haemolytic Uremic Syndrome (HUS). The five main pathogenic serotypes of STEC (MPS-STEC) identified thus far in Europe are O157:H7, O26:H11, O103:H2, O111:H8, and O145:H28.

raw.milk.cheeseBecause STEC strains can survive or grow during cheese making, particularly in soft cheeses, a stochastic quantitative microbial risk assessment model was developed to assess the risk of HUS associated with the five MPS-STEC in raw milk soft cheeses. A baseline scenario represents a theoretical worst-case scenario where no intervention was considered throughout the farm-to-fork continuum. The risk level assessed with this baseline scenario is the risk-based level. The impact of seven preharvest scenarios (vaccines, probiotic, milk farm sorting) on the risk-based level was expressed in terms of risk reduction. Impact of the preharvest intervention ranges from 76% to 98% of risk reduction with highest values predicted with scenarios combining a decrease of the number of cow shedding STEC and of the STEC concentration in feces. The impact of postharvest interventions on the risk-based level was also tested by applying five microbiological criteria (MC) at the end of ripening.

The five MCs differ in terms of sample size, the number of samples that may yield a value larger than the microbiological limit, and the analysis methods. The risk reduction predicted varies from 25% to 96% by applying MCs without preharvest interventions and from 1% to 96% with combination of pre- and postharvest interventions.

Risk Analysis
Frédérique Perrin, Fanny Tenenhaus-Aziza, Valérie Michel, Stéphane Miszczycha, Nadège Bel, and Moez Sanaa


Jamie Oliver’s crusade to prove U.S. food safety unfit for UK

Celebrity chef-type Jamie Oliver – who was a stand-out in our 2004 paper, Spot the Mistake about celebrity chefs and food safety mistakes — has been appearing with increasing irritation on a television advert for Woolworths in Australia, hawking dinnerware.

celebrity_chefs(5)“The plate makes the food look great” or something like that.

And when he’s not selling plates, Oliver is embarking on a campaign to stop the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP), which many feel will result in the watering down of government regulations and says with a straight face that U.K. restrictions on growth hormones and pesticides in food are stricter than those in the U.S.

Stick to dinnerware.

Fancy food ain’t safe food; Gold Coast, Australia edition

Council food safety inspectors have allegedly uncovered dead and live cockroaches in the kitchen of one of the Gold Coast’s ritziest restaurants.

Saks-Restaurant-BarCourt documents reveal cockroaches were found in the dry goods storage area and near the pizza ovens at Saks restaurant at Main Beach.

Other potential health and hygiene nasties allegedly uncovered included open food containers, some with raw seafood in them, on bench tops. Dirt, mould and accumulated grease were also found in the kitchen during the routine inspection on September 25.

Council subsequently issued a breach notice against the restaurant. The restaurant’s owner, Saks Investments Pty Ltd pleaded guilty, and is due to be sentenced in the Southport Magistrates Court on Wednesday.

This case comes after recent figures revealed Brisbane Council’s food safety inspectors issued $600,000 in fines to some of the city’s top restaurants. Breaches related to cockroaches in the kitchen and rat droppings in deep fryers.

‘Our worst nightmare coming to life’: UK family contracted E. coli O157 on holiday to Spain with toddler daughter left in critical condition

A family of four fell ‘horrifically’ ill during a Spanish summer holiday which left two young daughters in hospital, one in critical condition.

e.coli.spain.aug.14The Smith family, from Bishop Auckland in County Durham, travelled to the 3* Azuline, Coral Beach resort in Ibiza in June, but say the trip turned into every family’s ‘worst nightmare’ when all of them fell ill and two-year-old daughters Olivia and Hannah were hospitalised for days as they battled E. coli. 

Dad, Stuart, who was made redundant on his return to work, was also diagnosed with having contracted the bacteria.

The toddlers have now been diagnosed with hemolytic uraemia syndrome – a condition related to E. coli which can cause kidney failure due to a breakdown of red blood cells – and distraught parents Stuart and Nicola have instructed expert international illness lawyers at Irwin Mitchell to investigate what caused them to fall ill and to help secure their daughters funds for on-going treatment.

To make matters worse, Stuart was made redundant on his return from his job as a production worker in manufacturing, as he took time off to care for his daughters, which affected his redundancy score negatively. 

Stuart, Olivia and Hannah were all diagnosed as suffering with E. coli O157 on their return and the girls symptoms were so severe that they were admitted to the Royal Victoria Hospital in Newcastle. 

Olivia, who was two in July, was discharged after six days but Hannah, who turns three at the end of the month, spent 21 days in hospital and needed dialysis to help her kidneys function properly.

Stuart, 38, said: ‘The last few weeks have been like our worst nightmare coming to life as we have had to watch our little girls fight for their lives in hospital.

‘The last thing we imagined was that we would all fall so horrifically ill. We did notice that some of the food that should have been chilled was left at room temperature and some of it was undercooked, but we tried to be as careful as possible.

‘The worst thing now is not knowing whether the girls have been left with permanent kidney problems as a result. We just cannot believe how going on holiday has turned all of our lives upside down.

Chef in China killed by decapitated cobra

A chef preparing a dish made from cobra flesh died after the snake bit his hand – 20 minutes after he had severed it from its body.

five-head-cobra-3Peng Fan from Foshan, Guangdong province, southern China, had been preparing a special dish made from Indochinese spitting cobra, a rare delicacy.

It was as he went to chuck the cobra’s head in the bin that it bit him, injecting Mr Peng with its flesh-killing, neurotoxic venom.

The snake was being diced up to be made into snake soup, which is a delicacy in Guangdong and a much sought after dish in the province’s high-end restaurants.

Restaurant guest Lin Sun, 44, who was in the restaurant with his wife Su at the time said: “We were in the restaurant having a meal for my wife’s birthday when suddenly there was a lot of commotion.

Victims of the Indochinese spitting cobra generally asphyxiate after the neurotoxin paralyses their respiratory system.

Lost in translation? Pizza Hut in Japan is now totally being run by cats and they’re understandably terrible at it

The latest treat from Japan is a website announcing the grand opening of Pizza Cat!, a Pizza Hut restaurant apparently run entirely by cats. The campaign is rolling out as tiny “episodes” of each “employee” cat doing jobs like delivering pizzas, cleaning the floors and managing the money.

We’re not quite sure of the actual point of it all, but according to the translation of the YouTube page, “Pizza Cat! Store is a fictional store.” 

Florida pageant mother secretly fed daughter tapeworms to help lose weight

Secretly feeding worm eggs to a child sounds like a scene out of a horror movie, but it was a reality for one teenage beauty queen, whose story was recounted on a recent episode of Discovery Health’s Untold Stories of the ER.

In an effort to make her daughter lose weight for a beauty competition, a Florida mother bought and fed tapeworm eggs to her teenage pageant star without her knowledge. Soon after, the girl was admitted to the hospital with painful stomach cramps.

The pain passed after the girl used the bathroom, and Maricar Cabral-Osori, the girl’s ER nurse, reported seeing a toilet bowl full of long tapeworms struggling to escape.

tapeworm.floridaShe said, “It was so gross and she had pooped all these tapeworms. There were a couple that were very long and wiggling around trying to get out of the toilet bowl.”

Cabral-Osori said the woman turned white when she saw what her daughter had passed. The guilty mother told her daughter that she had just wanted her to “lose a little weight” before the pageant.

Dr. Patricia Quinlisk of the Iowa Department of Public Health, says the use of tapeworms for weight loss is extremely dangerous.

It’s not that simple and handwashing is never enough; trying to stay healthy around state fair animals? Simple–wash your hands

For many visitors to the Minnesota State Fair, wandering through the animal barns, listening to the indignant squeals of jostling pigs or watching a 1,500 pound cow unfurl its long tongue to snag an out-of-reach kernel of grain, is one of the fair’s great pleasures.

fair_46But even though the animals are bathed and brushed to perfection, they can carry germs that can make people sick.

The risk was made apparent earlier this month, when an E-coli outbreak that sickened 13 people was traced to a traveling petting zoo that appeared at several Minnesota county fairs and festivals. Seven people were hospitalized and two patients developed serious kidney complications.

19 sick; E. coli O121 infections linked to raw clover sprouts (final update)

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports that this outbreak appears to be over.

clover.sprouts• A total of 19 persons infected with the outbreak strain of Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli O121 (STEC O121) were reported from six states.

• The number of ill persons identified in each state was as follows: California (1), Idaho (3), Michigan (1), Montana (2), Utah (1), and Washington (11).

• 44% of ill persons were hospitalized. No ill persons developed hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS), and no deaths were reported. 

• Epidemiology and traceback investigations conducted by local, state, and federal officials indicated that contaminated raw clover sprouts produced by Evergreen Fresh Sprouts, LLC of Idaho was the likely source of this outbreak.

• Evergreen Fresh Sprouts is no longer using the seed lot linked to illnesses in this outbreak.

• Sprouts produced by this firm from this seed lot are likely no longer available for consumption given the approximately 14-day shelf life of raw clover sprouts.