Who talks like this? Don’t cook when you’re crook – be food safe this winter

Almost three years in Australia and I still can’t understand what most people say.

The high is going to be 75 F today, with nothing but sun, but people are freezing, because this is the two weeks of the year they get to wear different fashions – Uggs and parkas.

vomitSure, it’s colder further south – we live in the Florida of Australia – and they just got a snowstorm, but it’s not that cold.

The New South Wales Food Authority is warning that as the temperature drops, the risk of viral gastro contamination rises.

The Food Authority’s Chief Scientist Dr Lisa Szabo said the best way to prevent the spread of infection is to avoid food preparation when you are unwell.

“Don’t cook when you’re crook is a good basic rule to apply whether you are cooking commercially or preparing food at home,” Dr Szabo said.

“However, this warning applies particularly to food industry professionals who come into contact with the preparation and service of food for hundreds, if not thousands, of people.

“Under the Food Standards Code it is illegal for food handlers to handle food when they have a gastric illness. It is also illegal for food businesses to allow staff to work if they are aware they have a gastric illness.

“To put people to work when you know they’re unwell, or to not declare an illness, could potentially put the health of many people at risk.

“Viral gastroenteritis is highly infectious and can be very easily passed from person to person through poor hygiene and food handling practices.”

Dr Szabo said the first rule of food safety is to thoroughly wash and dry your hands before beginning to prepare or eat any meal, and to wash your hands after touching raw meat or poultry.

As a precaution it is recommended that people with gastro do not prepare food for 48 hours after their symptoms finish.

So I’m guessing, crook means sick, so don’t make food for others when you’re barfing.