Fancy food ain’t safe food; UK edition

The owner of a fine-dining French restaurant has been fined more than £10,000 for failing to keep his premises clean.

Pascal Madjoudj was fined at Brighton Magistrates’ Court after pleading guilty to 16 of 22 charges of failing to meet hygiene and food safety standards.

UnknownBrasserie Pascal, where customers can enjoy a Châteaubriand with pommes frites, forestiere sauce and vegetables for £49, was accused of having a “history of poor compliance” with food safety legislation by prosecutors.

Inspectors from Brighton and Hove City Council visited the property in Second Avenue, Hove, on February 11 and raised a number of concerns including a fruit fly infestation, an empty pane of glass in a window which could allow pests in, dirty brooms hanging near clean plates and food debris on the floor and wall.