£4,000 fine for UK takeaway

Oldham Council has successfully prosecuted an Oldham takeaway following a food hygiene inspection – where a live rat was discovered behind a freezer.

Poor standards were found at Sweet Palace during the routine inspection by the council’s Environmental Health Team on August 19, 2013.

A dead oriental cockroach was squashed in the middle of the floor in the food preparation room. Mouse droppings were identified at the premises on Waterloo Street, in Glodwick, and there was no hand wash basin or Sweet Palace (3) 19.08.13antibacterial surface cleaner. Staff were also not wearing protective clothing and no food safety management system was in place.

The food outlet was closed immediately following the inspection and it was allowed to re-open the following day, after pest proofing and a deep clean.

Inspections have been carried out since and conditions have dramatically improved.

The owner, Nadeem Hussain, was successfully prosecuted by the local authority under the Food Hygiene (England) Regulations 2006 at Manchester Minshull Street Crown Court on Monday, February 24.

Mr Hussain, aged 41, pleaded guilty to eight food safety offences at Oldham Magistrates Court on Tuesday, January 14.

Magistrates then referred the case to Manchester Minshull Street Crown Court where Mr Hussain was sentenced and ordered to pay a £4,000 fine, and £1,650 towards the council’s costs.

He was also told to pay a minimum of £100 a week to pay off the fine or he could face prison.