Consumers can wait; California cantaloupe board promotes food safety via twitter — to industry

I don’t understand a lot about computers, social media, instagram and whatever the next fad is; but I do know to hang out with people who can tell the message person (me) what medium to use and how.

I’ve always been a fan of Marshall McLuhan and read all his impenetrable stuff 30 years ago. The University of Toronto professor coined his famous, marshall_mcluhan_woody_allenthe medium is the message, phrase in his 1964 book, Understanding Media. The cameo he did in Woody Allen’s 1977 movie, Annie Hall, where McLuhan tells some pompous professor that he doesn’t understand his theories at all and is not qualified to teach, is so … apt.

Today, U.S. producer groups like the California Cantaloupe Advisory Board want to battle foodborne illness through a social media campaign.

According to The Packer, the board will work to build its Twitter following at the upcoming Produce Marketing Association Fresh Summit in New Orleans.

The campaign will be introduced to consumers next season after the board has gained a following in the produce industry.

It’s social media; go straight to consumers.