Ontario resident struck with listeriosis linked to blue cheese

A Belleville, Ontario, resident is in hospital after eating some bad cheese from a local business.

Wayne Tucker, director of communicable disease control/tobacco control at the Hastings Prince Edward Counties Health Unit, said the person is ill with listeriosis following the OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAconsumption of blue cheese purchased from Bibs Wholesale Meats in July.

”There is a small quantity of this blue cheese product that may have been sold to others in the community prior to July 30. Anyone who purchased blue cheese from Bibs Wholesale Meats prior to July 30 is asked to return the cheese to Bibs Wholesale Meats or dispose of the product.” he said.  “If anyone has consumed blue cheese purchased from Bibs Wholesale Meats prior to July 30 and is now ill, they should see their health care provider to rule out Listeriosis.”

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About Douglas Powell

A former professor of food safety and the publisher of barfblog.com, Powell is passionate about food, has five daughters, and is an OK goaltender in pickup hockey. Download Doug’s CV here. Dr. Douglas Powell editor, barfblog.com retired professor, food safety 3/289 Annerley Rd Annerley, Queensland 4103 dpowell29@gmail.com 61478222221 I am based in Brisbane, Australia, 15 hours ahead of Eastern Standard Time