Bye-bye bites-l, hello dailybarf

The brain trust decided a few months ago to get rid of bites-l and centralize around
American Independence Day seems apt, so welcome to dailybarf-O-Brother-Where-Art-Thoul.

Although it probably won’t be daily; the brain trust will figure it out as it goes.

Any immediate stuff will be on, twitter and facebook. When there’s enough stuff, a dailybarf will be distributed, along with additional items that were not blogged – dailybarf is like the daily digest with bonus tracks.

For those of you who signed-on-or-off for bites-l in the past month, sorry, you’ll probably have to do it again.

To sign up, go to and enter your e-mail in the receive newsletter box visible after scrolling down on the right side.

To unsubscribe, click the button at the bottom of dailybarf.