Lend a hand for food safety on World Hand Hygiene Day

The World Health Organization’s World Hand Hygiene Day is on Sunday May 5.

CEO Polly Bennett said the New South Wales Food Authority’s Name and Shame website, which allows consumers to view businesses that have failed to meet handwash_south_park(2)food safety standards, had a number of businesses on the register for handwashing offences.

“While the vast majority of businesses do the right thing, there are a few who need to lift their game, and this includes those who have failed to implement correct hand washing measures.

“Hand washing offences are up there in the top five most common food safety breaches under the Food Act, accounting for 13% of breaches in 2010-11.

“In addition to the Name and Shame register that provides the public with information about those businesses who have breached food safety laws, the Authority is also committed to encouraging and promoting training and learning through programs like Food Safety Supervisor.”

Food Safety Supervisor is a training initiative designed to improve skills and knowledge in the industry – with close to 50,000 people in NSW having completed the training.

“I encourage everyone to use today’s World Hand Hygiene Day as a reminder to ensure they are following the rules and keeping themselves, their family and for business – their customers, safe.”

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