E. coli O26 found in Roquefort cheese in France

E. coli O26 has been found in Roquefort Designation of Origin (PDO) cheese sold under a dozen brands including La Petite Cave and Monoprix Gourmet, and withdrawn from sale.

The producer, Gabriel Coulet SA, based in Roquefort, said a check revealed E. coli O26:H11. Consumers were asked to return the cheese.

The bacteria was detected during internal testing by French retailer, Monoprix.

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About Douglas Powell

A former professor of food safety and the publisher of barfblog.com, Powell is passionate about food, has five daughters, and is an OK goaltender in pickup hockey. Download Doug’s CV here. Dr. Douglas Powell editor, barfblog.com retired professor, food safety 3/289 Annerley Rd Annerley, Queensland 4103 dpowell29@gmail.com 61478222221 I am based in Brisbane, Australia, 15 hours ahead of Eastern Standard Time