Even health types get the blues (and barf); 30 sickened with C. perfringens, caterer closed

When catering a meal for health professionals, it may be important to get food safety basics right.

The Pueblo City-County Health Department in Colorado has temporarily closed All Seasons Catering, citing a variety of violations found after more than 30 people were sickened by food the company served at a luncheon last week.

The health department found evidence of Clostridium perfringens toxin in a beef-and-gravy dish, butter, tomatoes and lettuce the caterer served during last Tuesday’s Pueblo Community Health Center annual meeting and luncheon.

An inspection following the barfing found:

• Critical Lack of demonstration of knowledge by PIC. Kitchen manager admitted to not taking final cook temperatures, and holding temperatures of all food, did not know cooking temperature of poultry should be 165 degrees.

• Critical Employees not handwashing when required. Observed employees changing tasks, changing gloves, handling ready to eat foods without washing hands

• Critical Observed employee "trying" to check temperature of pasta with bare hands, not using a thermometer.

• Critical Improper cooling time/temperature specified time parameters not met. three pans of cooked vegetables made 4/25/12, holding in walk-in refrigerator at 67-72 degrees, did not meet proper cooling parameters.