Stop pooping in pools; cryptosporidium outbreak in Minnesota sickens 9

The Minnesota Health Department says three people have tested positive for cryptosporidium and another six cases are suspected — all had recently been swimming at the Edgewater in Duluth in March.

Of those nine possibly affected, seven are kids and two are adults.

The Edgewater responded to concerns by closing pools and super chlorinating them to kill any parasite, ahead of getting water testing results back.

"Our pools are the cleanest, you know, that they’ve been because of the super chlorination, and we do take it very seriously and are very controlled about how often we test the water and what to do with issues," said Leanne Joynes of ZMC Hotels.

"The people should not be changing diapers at poolside. They should take a shower before and after swimming and that when they’re swimming, they should take frequent bathroom breaks," said Trisha Robinson of the Minnesota Department of Health.

The Minnesota Department of Health is also investigating a pool facility in Brainerd for the same parasite, but did not say which one.

One person who swam there was confirmed to be infected, while two others are suspected.

So far, officials believe the cases in Duluth and Brainerd are not related.