Denny’s downgraded but will stigma affect sales?

Denny’s is like the Taco Bell of breakfast: no matter how much foodborne illness is sourced to Taco-Restaurant-A-Bell or Denny’s, people continue to scarf down these cheap sources of calories.

Stigma or stupidity, it doesn’t faze the boss.

Add Jimmy John’s sprout sandwiches to the impervious to stigma list.

The Cibola Beacon reports the New Mexico state Environment Department has downgraded Denny’s Restaurant for repeated food safety violations and posted an “unsatisfactory” grade emblem was posted at each of the facility’s entrances.

The Feb. 7 regular visit report listed six violations, two high-risk and four low-risk, which required a follow-up inspection.

A Feb. 15 follow-up inspection found, “hand-wash sinks filthy, inconsistent and minimal hand-washing observed, food-film covering all non-food contact surfaces including equipment handles, microwaves, doors and handles of walk-ins.”