France: A teenager dies from food poisoning

A 16-year-old died on Monday in hospital in Chartres, France, as a result of food poisoning which could be related to having a meal in a kebab restaurant in the city, closed the same day by the DGCCRF (Branch Competition, Consumer Affairs and Fraud Control). Her step-sister, who also shared the same meal, complained of stomach cramps.

"An autopsy Wednesday afternoon on the body of the girl found that the victim had suffered multiple organ shock and that the death was due to food poisoning," said the prosecutor of Chartres, Philippe Peyroux. The court ordered the DGCCRF to go to emergency in the kebab eatery type where the two women had eaten to conduct an inspection. "This revealed poor hygiene standards and many anomalies. The facility has been closed immediately for health reasons and as a precaution, especially since it is located near a school.”

Tests were being conducted but results were so far inconclusive.