Thank-you, call again: creepy crawly turns stomachs at NZ noodle restaurant

A girls’ night out to a Newmarket noodle restaurant turned into a "revolting" nightmare before Christmas after a creepy-crawly was found in their soybean dish.

Brodie Reid told the New Zealand Herald her group had nearly finished their bowl of edamame at Wagamama on Nuffield St when they spotted "something white" in one of the beans.

Miss Reid claimed she was "thanked for her feedback" when she told staff.

The 26-year-old said she felt "absolutely revolted" at the thought that she and her two friends could have been "popping maggots into our mouths".

"It’s just disgusting," Miss Reid said.

Plant and Food Research identified the bug as a caterpillar pupa, and not a maggot.

Miss Reid said she brought it to the attention of the restaurant manager, who did not appear shocked.

"Her first reaction was saying, ‘Thank you for your feedback. I’ll contact my supplier’.

Miss Reid said they were not charged for their mains and the beans, and were offered a $20 voucher for a return visit.

Newmarket manager and head chef Julie Pensaber said she believed the pupa came from a frozen pack of imported edamame beans.

"It was found inside an unopened soybean pod, so it is impossible for us to know if it was in there before we served the beans," she said.

"This is a case that’s just beyond our control, and we are sorry that it has happened at our restaurant."

Ms Pensaber said the edamame came from Tokyo Food.

Tokyo Food spokesman Mark Whiteman apologised. "Even with the strictest measures in place, there is always a small possibility of an event like this happening … We are doing everything possible to prevent it from happening again."