Acuff speaks, over and over and over (because it’s on video at***

Dr. Gary Acuff game a seminar at Kansas State University on Nov. 9, 2010, entitled, The End Game: What is Really Achievable in Pathogen Reduction.

The slides for Acuff’s talk are available at:

The video is available at:

Or under the video section on the front page of

Texas A&M University announced last month that Acuff was going to become director for the Center for Food Safety, and will lead expanded food safety efforts.

Prior to his appointment as Director of the Center for Food Safety, Acuff served as interim head and then head of the department of animal science from 2004 to 2010. And before that he taught undergraduate and graduate level courses and laboratories in food microbiology for 20 years and conducted research on the microbiological quality and safety of foods through his appointment with Texas AgriLife Research.

A past-president of the International Association of Food Protection, Acuff currently is chairman of a 10-member committee for the National Research Council, which evaluates food safety requirements for the Federal Purchase Ground Beef Program.