Would you buy a steak from Pat Boone? Maybe this is a reason for tougher U.S. food safety oversight.
Singer and actor Pat Boone – the man who made rock and roll safe for white people – has launched a line of mail-order meats called Pat Boone All-American Meats.
The line includes filet mignon, ribeye, top sirloin, New York strip, T-bone and porterhouse steaks, all made with U.S.-raised beef. The meats ship frozen.
The brand officially launches today at www.patboonemeats.com.
Boone was inspired by Paul Newman.
“I’ve been so impressed by what Paul was able to accomplish with his incredibly successful line of salad dressings, that this seemed the perfect way for me to build a legacy that will carry on in the spirit of giving for generations. What better way to enjoy time with family and friends than over a tender, juicy steak and know that your hard-earned money is going to support American ranchers and help feed the hungry all at the same time?”