Gratuitous (comfort) food porn shot of the day: tomato soup and grilled cheese

Sorenne eating lunch with dad, 11:00 a.m., Dec. 27, 2009.

It’s not always a food porn extravaganza around the Hubbell household. Sure, last night’s dinner was marinated and oven-grilled tuna steaks, with asparagus and roasted sweet potato fries, but with the snow sticking around, and Sorenne’s nose draining like a running faucet, sometimes it’s best to stick with basics.

Tomato soup made with milk in my Dad cup — because I have a daughter who goes to McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario — along with a grilled cheese sandwich made with whole wheat bread, a drizzle of butter, lots of extra sharp cheddar, prepared in a frying pan, and served with a pickle and ketchup.