Making restaurant selection easy: website launch in UK city reveals hygiene scores

Consumers in Litchfield, England will soon be able to access restaurant hygiene scores (and much more) online, reports The Lichfield Blog.

In Lichfield restaurant hygiene scores are displayed at the premise, in the form of a card (with a maximum of 5 stars, similar to Scores on Doors, pictured right). The updated website offers an alternate or additional tool for consumers to access restaurant hygiene information.

Councillor Ben Adams, Cabinet Member for Community Housing and Health, said of the new site,

“Through the website and certificates, displayed on the doors of food premises, it allows customers to have peace of mind that the establishment they are planning visit has good hygiene procedures. It also acts as an incentive to premises managers, who try to improve their standards to get the best possible star rating the next time they are inspected.”

[Lichfield District Council] is confident visitors to the updated website will find it even easier to discover how many gold stars food premises have been awarded for their food hygiene practices following an inspection…[The site],, has a host of new features, including the ability to search an area’s ‘Top Spots’ to see which premises have been awarded the maximum five gold stars… and information about where the premises is, what type of food it serves, as well as a map and directions straight to the door.

The website, which will be launched later this week, sounds handy, and hopefully disclosure at the premise in the form of grade-cards will keep consumer interest in the website.