Mallrats beware: baby rodent found in food court stir-fry

I have not seen the 1995 Kevin Smith movie Mallrats, though my cultural education has exposed me to Clerks and Monty Python. Perhaps Mallrats is next. 

Canadian mallrats dining at a Winnipeg Sizzling Wok restaurant were disgusted to find a baby rodent in their stir-fry, reports CTV Winnipeg.

The mall, [St. Vital Centre], says it contacted the Health Department, and adds the restaurant will not re-open until it is cleared by health inspectors.

Mike LeBlanc, manager of Public Health Inspection Programs, said of the incident,

"I’m shocked and dismayed. This obviously is a very disturbing finding. It does not at all meet the threshold of what we even consider acceptable food practices."

The couple that found the rodent chose not to discuss the experience with media. It has been undetermined whether the rodent (pictured right, next to the Canadian dollar, aka, Loonie) is a mouse or a rat, or whether it originated within the restaurant or from a food supplier.

The CTV news source is filled with consumer comments about the restaurant, with one comment mentioning previous rodent sightings in the mall food court. Should’ve had a camera-phone.