Top 10 beer slogans: nothing to do with food safety, but the marketing slogans could be used

Everyone knows that beer is great. But sometimes the slogans used to sell it are even better.

10. Blatz – How Mother and Baby "Picked Up"
This advertisement actually says, "A case of Blatz Beer in your home means much to the young mother, and obviously baby participates in its benefits

9. Schlitz – The Beer That Made Milwaukee Famous
Being famous for Schlitz is up there with being famous for dandruff

8. Red Stripe – Hooray Beer!
After three or four brewskis the little man in your brain isn’t thinking about problems at work, your mortgage payment or the fact that your wife doesn’t find you attractive anymore. He’s just dancing around in his boxers and yelling, "Hooray Beer!"

 7. Mackeson Milk Stout – It looks good, it tastes good, and by golly it does you good.

6. Carlsberg – Probably the Best Beer in the World.
Hey, this beer might be the best one in the world. Or maybe it’s not.

5. Courage Beer – It’s What Your Right Arm Is For
God gave you two arms for a reason. Your right one is for shoveling Courage Beer into your face. And your left one is for everything else. (I’m pretty sure that’s somewhere in the Bible.)

4. Miller High Life – The Champagne of Beers
Does it make sense to use another type of alcohol to try and sell your own brand of alcohol?

3. Pabst Blue Ribbon – This One Has The Touch!
I have an uncle who got a case of "the touch" after a case of Pabst. He’s not allowed to come over for Thanksgiving anymore.

2. Colt 45 – It Works Every Time
Colt 45 wants to make it very clear. It will get you laid EVERY TIME you drink it. Not 1/3 of the time. Not 74% of the time. EVERY SINGLE TIME. Just ask Billy Dee Williams.

1.    Schaefer – It’s The One Beer To Have When You’re Having More Than One

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About Douglas Powell

A former professor of food safety and the publisher of, Powell is passionate about food, has five daughters, and is an OK goaltender in pickup hockey. Download Doug’s CV here. Dr. Douglas Powell editor, retired professor, food safety 3/289 Annerley Rd Annerley, Queensland 4103 61478222221 I am based in Brisbane, Australia, 15 hours ahead of Eastern Standard Time