Brewing coffee from cat poop

I noticed an interesting article today about how some people in Indonesia are using seeds picked from cat droppings to brew their morning cup of Joe.
According to ITN and Yahoo! News:
"Makers claim they gather undigested seeds from ripe coffee cherries, that have passed through the stomachs of civet cats and use them to make the drink.
It has been suggested enzymes in the animal’s stomach break down the proteins in the seeds and give them a bitter taste that enhances the flavour."
They may be right about the poop seeds affecting the flavor, but the safety risk of this practice is high. The filth that these seeds come from could contain E. coli or other fecal coliforms that can lead to health issues. We’ll keep an eye on this practice, but I wouldn’t be surprised if we hear about a few people getting sick off of this practice. Read the full article here.