Bag of cows’ hooves found in Dublin take away

A plastic bag filled with cows’ hooves and five plastic bags of cow skin found in a Dublin take away were just some of the unusual items which were the subject of prohibition orders for May, the Food safety Authority of Ireland (FSAI) reported today.

Cow HoofFollowing the discovery of the bags at Johnson Best Food (take away), 86A Summerhill, Dublin 1, a prohibition orders was served under the EC (Official Control of Foodstuffs) Regulations.

Commenting on these latest Enforcement Orders, Prof. Alan Reilly, Chief Executive, FSAI, stated: “Food businesses must recognise that the legal onus is on them to make sure that the food they serve is safe to eat. This requires ongoing compliance with food safety and hygiene standards to ensure the food they are producing is safe to consume. There is absolutely no excuse for negligent practices.”

The FSAI today also reported that three Closure Orders and one further Prohibition Order were served on food businesses during the month of May for breaches of food safety legislation. The Orders were issued by environmental health officers in the Health Service Executive.